The I Am for Your Every Need (2): Praise Party
“I AM” in Hebrew is closely related to God’s personal name, Jehovah or Yahweh or YHWH (Exo. 6:3), which occurs more than 6000 times in the Old Testament.
It suggests the timelessness of God, the very foundation of all existence. Revelation 1:4 also may suggest this, “from Him who is, and who was, and who is to come.”
Jesus probably alluded to this in John 8:58, “Before Abraham was born, I AM!” Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever (Heb. 13:8). [1]
The answer to everyone of our needs finds its existence in Him. Everything we need, He is!
God, who miraculously met the needs of His servants in the Bible, has not changed! Your heavenly Father is the same mighty, loving, miracle-working God today. He will do the same for you! He stoops down to make you great (Ps. 18:35).
Have a Praise Party
List every emotion that you are feeling and every need you have in one column. After you have acknowledged all your emotions and needs, go through the names of God until you find the expression of His character that meets each need. For every need you have, there is a corresponding attribute of God. So beside each emotion or need, write down the name or attribute of God that relates to your need.
After you have done this, turn your pity party into a praise party. (You probably already began having one as you saw how God promises to meet your every need in Himself.)
Your heavenly Father is a BIG God! He is able to do far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! (Eph. 3:20)
Everything we need, He is!
He is:
Abba Father when we need fathering
Acceptance when we feel unwanted
Adequacy for our inadequacy
All-sufficient in our lack
Amen, true witness when we are tempted to lie
Answer for our questions
Author of faith for our unbelief
Bread of life for our spiritual hunger
Bridegroom when we need companionship and cherishing
Bright morning star for darkness in the valley of the shadow of death
Broken and spilled out when we feel we’ve been used
Burden bearer when we are heavy-laden, tired and weary
Before all things when we’re surprised by the unexpected
Cleansing for our sin and shame
Closer than a brother when we’re lonely
Comforter who wipes away our tears
Defender when we’re under attack
Deliverer for our captivity
Door-opener when we see no way out
Everlasting arms beneath us, carrying us, when life has knocked us down
Faithful friend when other friends fail us
Forgiveness when we’re too hard on ourselves or others
Fullness when we’re empty
God of details when things don’t go as planned
God of love when we feel unloved
God who is there when we feel alone
Guide and the way when we need direction
Grace when we need unmerited favor, blessing, and enabling
Healer when we’re wounded or physically sick
Hope when we’re discouraged and want to quit
Humility for our pride
Joy when we’re depressed
Keeper and Protector when we’re vulnerable
Lifter of our heads when we’re oppressed
Living water when we are depleted and dry
Long-suffering, slow to anger when we’ve fallen short again
Mercy for criticism and unkindness
Mighty God, my strength in my weakness or temptation
Never-failing, the same when everything else keeps shifting
Overcoming victory for defeat and depression
Plumb line to stand against the world’s changing ethics
Prince of peace when we’re stressed and worried
Provider for every financial need
Quieter of the storm for hardships and troubles
Reconciliation for divisions in relationships
Rest when we’re tired and can’t go on
Restorer of our souls when we’re drained and broken
Resurrection when we’re dry bones in need of new life
Reviver when we need fresh vigor and renewed strength
Satisfaction when everything else leaves us empty
Song and praise when we’re heavy hearted
Sovereign ruler when life takes hard, unexplained turns
Spirit of the Lord when we need to be set free
Sure foundation, solid rock when we’re insecure or need firm footing
Our strength when we’re weak
Trinity unity when we need separations mended
True riches when we’re tempted to covet the world’s wealth
Vengeance is the Lord’s when we are wronged and mistreated
Wisdom for our hard choices [2]
A Moment of Worship: Great I Am
Great I Am by New Life Worship
From the Album You Hold it All
Question: What do you need today that He is? Take a moment to write down your needs in one column, then beside each need write down the name or attribute of God that relates to your need.
- Praise You, Jesus: Alphabet of Praise, Part 1
- Praise You Jesus: Alphabet of Praise, Part 2
- My God Is: Names of God
- 300+ Names, Titles, and Attributes of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
- The I Am For Your Every Need (1): In Christ Is …
- The I Am For Your Every Need (3): Action Point
- Five Ways to Use the Praise Series (The Names & Attributes of God)
[1] The Hebrew-Greek Key Word Study Bible compiled and edited by Spiros Zodhiates. PMG Publishers, 1984. Key note at Exodus 3: 14.
[2] Idea for this post from Prayer Portions by Sylvia Gunter.
Gunter, Sylvia (1991-01-01). Prayer Portions (Kindle Locations 520-524). The Father’s Business. Kindle Edition.

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