Newsletter: Our Hope in Desperate Times | Thank You For Helping the Hurting
I believe you agree with me: hurting people around the world are in desperate need of God’s grace and comfort.
From the financial crisis to the multitude of recent natural disasters, trials and hardships are everywhere. No one has escaped unscathed. Trouble and suffering have spilled over into each of our lives. Despite all the distress, Jesus promised us hope:
“In this world you will have trouble. But take heart!
I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).
Jesus came that we might have abundant life – no matter the circumstance. Through Him we are more than conquerors in all things. God promises to give us peace, joy, strength and hope! Because of His love and grace, we don’t have to be overcome by our troubles.
Now – more than ever – hurting men and women need to be encouraged with God’s Word and His promise to carry them through any affliction. They need someone to share God’s comfort with them.
“This is my comfort and consolation in my affliction:
that Your word has revived me and given me life.”
Psalm 119:50
Your partnership with Shades of Grace has meant that hurting people have felt the healing balm of God’s presence. They have been revived as He spoke a fresh word into their circumstance. They have discovered the peace and joy – and promise – of existing by the life of Jesus and the power of God’s Word!
Your partnership has also enabled us to give life-saving assistance to lost and hurting people at a time when they needed it most. Shades of Grace teams up with ministries around the world. This means you have shared the Gospel and provided disaster relief in Haiti…wheelchairs for the disabled in Africa…food for orphans in Cambodia – just to name a few of our missions.
Because you have been a loyal friend in this effort to help hurting men and women, I also believe you’ll want to know about our circumstances this fall. I believe you will want to pray with us and, if you’re able, help financially.
Right now we’re facing a serious giving gap that threatens our ministry to the people that most need help. Income is down and our outreach is affected. We estimate that we need $25,000 within the next few weeks in order to cover the gap and position us for another year of incredible impact.
I want to assure you that we’re committed to good stewardship and living within our means, just as many families are. But, even so, the next 90 days are critical. They will affect our ministry going forward. I hope that with the help of friends like you, we’ll be back on track by the close of our fiscal year on December 31 – ready to continue ministries in 2012 that will share the truth and power of God’s Word with people at home and around the world.
That’s why today I’m asking if you will prayerfully consider making a special 3-month pledge of support to help us finish out the year of ministry. If you can’t make a pledge at this time, your single gift would be a big help.
I know things are tough financially right now, but I’m making a special appeal for your help because so many people are in need of God’s comfort. Together, we have touched thousands of lives … and together we will continue! Together, we will give hurting people hope in the midst of their circumstance. And together, we will see lives eternally changed for His glory!
Your very best gift today will literally transform the lives of hurting people in the hard times of life. Through your prayers and support, you can help take God’s comfort to people who feel they have absolutely no hope for a better tomorrow.
Men and women all around us are brokenhearted and feeling like life will never get better. They see their trials as pure pain – when instead, trials can serve as an invitation to know God more fully. Suffering can help lead us to abundant life and joy! Jesus Christ can transform our afflictions by filling our hearts with His love and hope – with His grace and strength! This is the message that Shades of Grace is sharing around the world….
Please pray today about sending your very best gift of $15, $25 or more to share God’s comfort for life’s trials.
I write to you today because I need your help. This ministry depends on the generosity of friends like you! I will be waiting for your reply. Thank you in advance for your generous gift! God “will not forget your work and the love you have shown Him as you have helped His people and continue to help them” (Hebrews 6:10).
Thanking God for You,Natalie Nichols
P.S. The next 90 days are critical to the future of this ministry. All around us people are enduring trials like never before. With your help, we will be ready to share the truth and power of God’s Word with them! Please pray now about making a special 3-month pledge or one-time donation to share God’s comfort for life’s trials. When you do, let us know how we can pray for you. It will be our privilege to pray daily for your needs.
(Click here to view this newsletter as a PDF.)
Natalie, I don’t know when someone’s testimony and Biblical words moved me the way yours just have. I was amazed. It brought me to tears and praising God.
I watched your story with tears flowing and with many thanks to God for the renewed hope. Thank you for modeling faithfulness to God during the struggle.
Please thank your ministry prayer team for sending me a postcard saying you are praying for me. It means the world to me to know that you are praying, I have placed it where I see it every day and will commit the verse to memory.
Your website is a blessing to the body of Christ. I pray that others like myself who, through surfing the internet, will come to this very blessed sight. It is so informative and has a lot of vital helpful information, and gives me hope.
I must commend you on the way you are carrying us through a 21 day fast. I have never ever seen something like this before. It takes us on a journey with God to profit the 21 days productively. I am so thrilled to have come across Pursuit 21. Your pathway to walk thru 21 days was spot on for me. Although I am not doing it at the beginning of the year – this is simply an amazing journey for me at this time as I am stepping into a new season in my life.
- Thank you so much for the verses and prayers! I now claim them! I can already sense life coming into me again. Thank you! I will also be praying that you continue to be a blessing to many more!
- Your blog on Fasting Day 12 came up when I searched “reward for waiting” on my computer. Thank you so much for your generosity in accepting people’s prayer requests. Thank you for responding and giving me verses to pray and claim. I believe that God is using your ministry to reach the nations. Thank You LORD for the Shades of Grace ministry. Thank You for using them to lift needy Christians’ spirits in restoration to You!
Natalie…God bless you richly for everything you have prayed and the scriptures you have made available to me. I don’t know what else to say except that you are truly a giving servant of our Lord…and He is so beautiful in you.
I love how the Lord led me to Natalie! I have been slowly declining in health…My doctor said a wheelchair may be needed. I was so discouraged and sad. I went home and was on YouTube listening to songs when I saw Natalie’s name. Although I had never heard of her, I was drawn to her. As I listened to her video, she began to talk about the day when she had to use a wheelchair due to her weakness!! What a glorious God we serve. He began speaking to me through Natalie and her ministry. I really struggled with people not understanding my pain and seeing me in a wheelchair at 29. God knew exactly what I needed and led me right to Natalie!
“I feel as though I am reverting to the depression I was just in a few months ago. I was already suicidal…I feel so tired juggling all the things I’m doing…I need endurance, faith, steadfastness, wisdom and JOY everyday. If you have any word, please do tell me…”
“I have been in a dark place with depression that has had me at times immobilized. It seems I cannot sense God’s presence or hear Him speak. The Bible is a chore for me and my prayer life has dwindled down to a place where I don’t know when the last time was I’ve been on my knees. I crave the Lord and I know that it is by His grace alone. I want to KNOW Jesus – to hear Him – to feel Him – to love and adore him – for Him to be real in my life. Yet He seems so distant. Do you have any thing you might speak into my life that might give me hope?”
“I’ve made bad decisions and hurt people around me…I want to take my life…”
Seeking a Breakthrough
“My co-workers have made false accusations about me on the job…”
“I am running out of perseverance in praying for the salvation of a loved one…”
“I’m a single mom who works full time so I really need to know how to manage my time so that I put God first…”
“Please pray for me as I deeply feel led to fast to break the yoke of bondage that I have had in my Christian life for several years now…”
“I am fasting and praying for a breakthrough in my son’s life…”
“I have been sexually assaulted…I need to learn how to forgive and move forward with my life…”
“My son is battling deep depression and is addicted to alcohol and drugs…“
“My illness has progressed…I struggle to stand and walk…I can barely function enough to be there for my son. I am desperate for healing and deliverance…”
“I am in a lot of pain from Rheumatoid Arthritis…”
“I have been profoundly ill and getting worse for the past nine years. I am close to bed-ridden. Thankfully I’m receiving treatment now, but I have a long road ahead before I can see improvement. We have NO support system and I am drowning in loneliness, pain, isolation and soon to be homeless with my beautiful child…I cling to my faith and stay in prayer, but desperately need some fellowship, support and encouragement…”
“My father has cancer…”
Marriage & Family Issues
“My parents may be getting a divorce after 30+ years of marriage…”
“My husband is abusive… The devil is using him to destroy me, my job, marriage and everything around me…When I go home, he is
violent towards me and the children. I want him to be freed of drunkenness, violence and hatred and come to know Jesus.”
“My husband is in prison…”
“My marriage and family are under attack…”
Financial Devastation
“We are facing eviction next week…”
“I have a newborn baby, but no job…”
“The bank may foreclose on my daughter and son-in-law’s home. I plan to do an Ezra fast for them as well as for my own household…”
Partners, thank you for bringing the life-changing
Word of God to hurting men & women!

Disclosure of Material Connection: Some of the links in the post above are “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, Shades of Grace will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will add value to my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
I dont suppose I’ve read something like this before.