Easter Inspiration, Part 2: Sermons, Videos, Music, & Articles

The sermons, videos, music, and articles that are inspiring me this Easter:
Videos: Sermons
David Wilkerson: Jesus, the Lamb of God
This message is for those who are on a search for peace and hope but you are experiencing emptiness and guilt because of the sin in your life. Maybe you are trying to figure out a way to “get to” God and pay Him back for all the sins you committed. The good news is that Jesus is the Lamb of God; the perfect sacrifice for all mankind. If you simply come to Jesus and believe His Word you will be forgiven. There is a cry in the heart of God to draw His people into His love and peace. All you need is found in Jesus the Lamb of God! Tweet this sermon
Francis Chan: Easter 2012
Videos: Miscellany
David Bowden – “I Am”
Losing Your Passion for Christ? Let these six minutes refill your heart for the great I AM! Awesome spoken word / poetry!
Based on the seven “I Am” statements about Jesus from the book of John, this poem says to everyone who puts their trust in Christ, “Before you even knew how to sin I Am where you salvation begins.” (Tweet this video)
Doug Gresham: What Easter Really Means
A video message from C.S. Lewis’s stepson, Doug Gresham, on what Easter really means.
(Tweet this video)
Justin Taylor: Holy Week, Day 4
The following video, filmed in conjunction with our book The Final Days of Jesus, features short explanations from and interviews with scholars Doug Moo, Nick Perrin, and Paul Maier, focusing on the background of the Passover, why Jesus and the disciples reclined at the Last Supper instead of eating at a table, and why the Jewish officials had to get Pontius Pilate involved after beginning their judicial proceedings against Jesus. (Tweet this video)
Justin Taylor has posted a video like this each day this week. The videos discuss the Biblical events of that particular day of holy week. You might consider watching them here.
For Children: The Easter Story, Animated
An animated version of the Easter story — straight from the Bible. (Tweet this video)
Videos: Worship
I See Love: Third Day
I See Love by Third Day | From the Album Christ is Risen
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Jesus Reigns: New Life Worship
Jesus Reigns by New Life Worship | From the Album Strong God
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Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus: Hillsong
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus by Hillsong | From the Album This is Our God
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O The Blood: Gateway
O The Blood by Gateway Worship | From the album God Be Praised
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Break Every Chain: Jesus Culture
Break Every Chain by Jesus Culture | From the Album Awakening
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Jesus, Son of God: Chris Tomlin & Christy Nockels
Jesus, Son of God featuring Chris Tomlin & Christy Nockels | From the Album White Flag
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Jesus Messiah: Chris Tomlin
Jesus Messiah by Chris Tomlin | From the Album Hello Love
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Worthy is the Lamb: Brooklyn Tabernacle
Worthy is the Lamb by Brooklyn Tabernacle | From the Album I’ll Say Yes
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I Bless Your Name: Brooklyn Tabernacle
I Bless Your Name by Brooklyn Tabernacle | From the Album I’m Amazed…Live
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Gary Wilkerson: The Other Side of the Stone
What does the resurrection mean for you and your hopeless situation? This is a brief, but powerful sermon by Gary Wilkerson!
You may be besieged by the greatest trial of your life right now. But the risen Christ is on the move on your behalf, on the other side of the stone. He is writing his story into your situation — a story of resurrection life, bursting forth onto a scene once ruled by death.
Satan will try to deceive you into thinking it’s all over, that the tomb is closed. But Jesus is telling you, “I have broken through. The devil didn’t have the last word. Death no longer has its sting. Light has now conquered darkness. And my love has conquered all evil.” (Tweet this article)
Adrian Rogers: The Only One Who Conquered Death
Yet there came a day when Harry Houdini died and he did not escape. No trickery there. Harry Houdini did not escape the iron-clad clutches of death. But I want to tell you there was another who died. His name was Jesus, and He made the great escape. Jesus came out of the grave and He arose. Praise God, Jesus is alive! (Tweet this article)
Rick Warren: Jesus Paid For Everything You Ever Did Wrong
Here’s the good news: Everything you’ve ever done wrong, everything you’re ever going to do wrong, things you haven’t even thought of yet — all those sins have already been paid for by Jesus Christ as he died on the cross: “Through the blood of his Son, we are set free from our sins. God forgives our failures because of his overflowing kindness” (Ephesians 1:7 GWT). (Tweet this article)
Trevin Wax: The Cross of Christ: God Instead of Us
A powerful comparison of the Garden of Eden and the Garden of Gesthemane
Because Jesus was filled with horror and cried out, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”, we are filled with wonder and cry, “My God, my God, why have you accepted me?” (Tweet this article)
Trevin Wax: The Cross of Christ: God For Us
A beautiful description of Jesus becoming what we were not so that we could become what he is.
Jesus – the Bread of Life – hungered, that we might be filled.
Jesus – the fountain of Life – was thirsty, that we might be satisfied.
Jesus – the Power of God – grew weak, that we might be strong.
Jesus – the Truth – was accused of false witness, that we might be declared righteous.
Jesus – the Healer – was wounded, that we might be restored.
Jesus – the very source of Life – died, that we might live.
Desiring God: Jesus Between the Criminals
Jesus’ incomparable conversation with the criminals.
Luke 23:39–43 is a conversation between Jesus and the criminals crucified alongside him, and it is in the Bible because crucifixion was slow. There was time to talk. This conversation is surely one of the most extraordinary in the Bible. It shows us the similarities of these three dying men, and yet, at the same time, how very different Jesus is. (Tweet this article)
C. Michael Patton: Christianity: The World’s More Falsifiable Religion
This belief has been a source of contention with many people, even Christians, in the past. But the more I research, the more I find it to be the case that Christianity is the only viable worldview that is historically defensible. The central claims of the Bible demand historic inquiry, as they are based on public events that can be historically verified. In contrast, the central claims of all other religions cannot be historically tested and, therefore, are beyond falsifiability or inquiry. They just have to be believed with blind faith. (Tweet this article)
Justin Taylor: Why It Matters Theologically and Historically That Women Were the First to Discover the Empty Tomb
As you preach this Easter, do not bypass the testimony of the women as an incidental detail.
In the first century, women were not even eligible to testify in a Jewish court of law.
Josephus said that even the witness of multiple women was not acceptable “because of the levity and boldness of their sex.”
Celsus, the second-century critic of Christianity, mocked the idea of Mary Magdalene as an alleged resurrection witness, referring to her as a “hysterical female . . . deluded by . . . sorcery.”
This background matters because it points to two crucial truths.
Justin Taylor Who Were the Women at the Empty Tomb?
Helpful information on these important women, compiled by Justin Taylor from his book:
In our book The Final Days of Jesus Andreas Köstenberger and I try to provide some help in understanding the identity and role of Jesus’s female disciples, especially with respect to their discovery of the empty tomb and their eyewitnesses testimony to the risen Christ. (Tweet this article)
Question: What piece of inspiration spoke to you the most today?

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