Don’t Judge the Results Based on What You Feel (Part 2)
Are you discouraged because it feels like your fast is accomplishing nothing? Remember, you cannot estimate the results of your fast based on how you feel.
In Part One of this post, we saw that we shouldn’t judge the results of our fast based on what we feel physically. In the same way, we shouldn’t judge the results of our fast based on what we feel spiritually.
Don’t Judge the Results of Your Fast Based on What You Feel Spiritually
In God’s Chosen Fast, Arthur Wallis writes:
Do not make the mistake of judging the efficacy of your intercessions by what you feel. Often in seasons of prayer and fasting you will find the going harder instead of easier, and will seem to experience less rather than more liberty. This is often when most is happening. This is wrestling. This is heavenly warfare. Your Captain did not promise you a walk-over but a fight, and gave you the weapons to win. Often you will not see till later the full results, but the promise stands: “Your Father who sees in secret will reward you.” (Emphasis added.) [1]
Fasting Draws the Enemy Out
If you’re fasting and praying, you are experiencing warfare. The enemy always attacks us when we’re fasting and praying. Fasting draws the enemy out—because he knows fasting is effective against him. Jesus’ fast demonstrates this.
The enemy will send opposition intended to discourage you and get you to stop. He’ll try to get you focused on what you feel:
- Focused on the fact things have been harder spiritually, not easier,
- Focused on the seeming absence of spiritual results,
- Focused on your headache and weakness that have kept you from sensing God’s presence in a strong way.
Demonic forces will try everything they can to get you to conclude fasting is hopeless and give up.
Don’t be surprised when spiritual forces of darkness go on the offensive because of your fast. Fasting sets spiritual forces in motion.
Daniel’s Fast Set Spiritual Forces in Motion
Daniel’s twenty-one day fast is recorded in Daniel chapter ten.
“At that time I, Daniel, mourned for three weeks. I ate no choice food; no meat or wine touched my lips; and I used no lotions at all until the three weeks were over” (Daniel 10:2-3).
An angel was sent in response to Daniel’s fasting and prayer. He spoke an incredible word to Daniel. Clearly, God had heard his heart cry!
“You who are highly esteemed, consider carefully the words I am about to speak to you…Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them” (Daniel 10:11-12).
The first day Daniel began to fast, God heard his prayer and an angel was sent from Heaven with his answer. Well then, why was the delivery delayed? The Prince of Persia battled fiercely, detaining the angel until Michael came to help.
“Since the first day…your words were heard, and I have come in response to them. But the prince of the Persian kingdom resisted me twenty-one days. Then Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, because I was detained there with the king of Persia” (Daniel 10:11-13).
The angelic battle lasted the same amount of time as Daniel’s fasting and prayer.
What if Daniel had judged the results of his fast prematurely, become discouraged and quit fasting before day twenty-one?
Like Daniel, you and I can’t see what is taking place in the heavenly realm as a result of our fasting and prayer. Therefore, we should be careful not to judge the effectiveness of our fasting and prayer by what we see or feel.
Daniel’s fasting and prayer not only resulted in a response from God, it affected the delivery of God’s answer. It affected the outcome of the spiritual battle that ensued. There are rewards from waiting on God, persevering in fasting and prayer.
It was later revealed to Daniel that while he was engaging in fasting and prayer those twenty-one days, he was:
- Making a difference
- Upsetting power structures
- Effecting the outcome of spiritual battles
Therefore, don’t be surprised, caught off guard and defeated by opposition. Fasting puts the power of God at work. It agitates Satan and demon spirits.
Don’t Expect the Enemy to Congratulate You
Do NOT expect Satan and demon spirits to congratulate you on your fast! You will hear them whisper things such as:
- “It’s not working. Nothing is happening. It’s a waste.”
- “You’re too tired. You have too much responsibility to compromise your strength right now.”
- “You’re going to die. Doing without food is going to kill you. Don’t you feel how sick you already are?”
- “Your situation is beyond hope anyway. You’ll never get a breakthrough. You don’t feel anything different, do you? See there – it’s not working.”
If not through gentle whispers, demonic forces may come after you through discouraging, frustrating events. Opposition and hopelessness may confront you at every turn.
If you’ve felt discouragement and opposition during your fast, you’re not alone. Samuel and the Israelites had a similar experience when they gathered together in a fast. God gave them a resounding victory—and He’ll do the same for you!
Victory Often Doesn’t Come Until After the Fast
Remember, victory often doesn’t come until after the fast. Jesus returned in the power of the spirit AFTER his fast. Many men and women in the Bible experienced results after a period of fasting.
There are some immediate results—such as discovering what bottom line desires have been controlling you—but there are also long term results.
So don’t give up! Persevere to the end! God is working!
- How has the going seemed harder not easier for you during your fast?
- Have you been tempted to judge the results of your fast prematurely and quit?
- How does the account of Daniel’s fasting and prayer encourage you to continue?
- Don’t Judge the Results Based on What You Feel (Part 1)
- Don’t Judge the Results Based on What You Feel (Part 3)
- Fasting Day 13: The Ezra Fast
- Fasting Day 13: Fasting, Justification and Sanctification
- Fasting Day 13: On Target
- Fasting Day 13: Fasting and Weight Loss
- When God’s People Pray (Video by Jim Cymbala)
[1] Arthur Wallis, God’s Chosen Fast (Fort Washington, PA: CLC Publications, 1968), 109

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