Prayer Is an Invitation to Experience God’s Boundlessness
Are you experiencing great and mighty, incomprehensible things day in and day out? Or ordinary, explainable things?
God invites us to prayer so that we might experience its boundless reach — His boundless reach! In the boundless reach of prayer, we experience unexplainable, extraordinary, great and mighty things!
One of my favorite books on prayer is Prayer: Life’s Limitless Reach by Jack Taylor. It contains depths of truth about prayer that is conveyed in relatable, easy-to-assimilate ways. It’s informative—providing practical information, such as a basic guideline for daily prayer—while at the same time providing much inspiration. When I read even small portions of it, I’m motivated to pray. I leave the pages excited about prayer, this wonderful agency we share with Christ! I cannot recommend this book highly enough!
The excerpt below is from this excellent book.
Prayer Is an Invitation
You and I didn’t think of prayer — God did! This proposition was not conjured up around the council tables of humanity. God said it:
“Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” (Jeremiah 33:3, NKJV)
First, look at the demand. God simply says, “Call to me.” Everyone can do this, even the speechless. Calling upon God can be done in the mind without the utterance of a word. There is no simpler command made and none more accessible than this. See its simplicity — call! See its audacity — call to Me! Go to the top and talk to the King! In this offer God invites us, commands us, to call upon Him! That should send your mind reeling. The God of the universe has condescended to communicate with finite man. He is listening. He hears when you speak! See its immensity. He leaves us no condition as to subject matter. We can call upon Him regarding anything. …
Second, observe the dynamic — “And I will answer (you.)” Can your mind hold the fact that your praying sends God into action? We can call upon Him and His mighty, sovereign will comes into effect. How sickening that we should be content to operate within the confines of our puny power when the power of God is waiting to be released. And the means by which it is released is prayer! I love the sound of the statement, “and I will.” God is speaking, friend, and when He says, ” I will,” you can settle one thing for certain — He will! .
“All the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing;
He does according to His will in the army of heaven
And among the inhabitants of the earth.
No one can restrain His hand
Or say to Him, ‘What have You done?'”It is none other than this one who demands that we call upon Him; and He declares that He will answer. Observe the designation of His answer — “I will show you.” God understands, as no one else, our frame, our density, and our infirmities. He knows that it must be simple for us and he is willing to show us!
Third, see the dimensions — “Call unto Me, and I will answer You and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” Who can assess the magnitude of these dimensions? We would make God a prisoner in His own universe, disallowing Him the prerogative of doing anything outside the boundaries of certain “fixed” laws. We’d do well to remember who “fixed” them! It is He who says, “I will do great and mighty things.” …
Pray! Prayer is an invitation to experience the boundlessness of God. I am convinced that many people are not excited about God because they have never experienced His boundlessness. He has invited us to experience His boundless doing. And His doings will doubtlessly shatter the limitations of your thought power — “I will show you great and mighty things, which you do not know!”1
Three Aspects of This Invitation
Let’s recap.
You and I didn’t think of prayer — God did! He said: “Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know” (Jeremiah 33:3).
Jeremiah 33:3 is an invitation to experience God’s boundlessness through prayer! The demand, dynamic, and dimensions of prayer are expressed in this verse:
- The demand of prayer. God simply says, “Call to Me.” There is no simpler, more accessible command — call! It’s simple, but also audacious — “call to Me! We have the opportunity to talk to the God of the universe … about anything!
- The dynamic of prayer. “And I will answer (you.)” God does not say, “Call to Me … and I might answer, if I feel like it … if you’re worthy enough … if it’s not too much trouble.” No, He says, “I will answer.”
- The dimensions of prayer. “…and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” The dimensions of prayer are limitless! They’re as infinite as the God who promises to answer! God has invited us to experience His boundless working through prayer!

Tired of Being Explainable
Would you say that the things you’re seeing day in and day out are not great and mighty? Are they ordinary and explainable, not incomprehensible?
Taylor continues,
Aren’t you weary of operating within the narrow confines of your understanding? Aren’t you tired of being explainable? Prayer opens the door into dimensions beyond understanding.2
Beloved, I’m tired of operating within the narrow confines of my understanding. I’m tired of being explainable. Aren’t you? Today, and every day this year, let’s open “the door into dimensions beyond our understanding.”
We don’t have to wait to open this door. There are no set hours of operation — the door is never locked. It’s open 24/7 with a welcome mat that says, “Come on in.” Let’s grab that door handle and open it wide right now through prayer! No more piddling and procrastinating! Our loving Father is waiting on the other side of the threshold. All we have to do is simply call. He promises He will answer! Not only that, He will show us great and mighty things that we cannot comprehend!
“Call to Me,
and I will answer you,
and show you great and mighty things,
which you do not know.”Jeremiah 33:3
A Moment of Worship: Living in the Overflow
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- Are you experiencing great and mighty, incomprehensible things day in and day out? Or ordinary and explainable things?
- Are you weary of operating within the narrow confines of your understanding? Tired of being explainable?
- Would you like to open the door into dimensions beyond your understanding?
- When will you do so? Right now as you call to God in prayer?
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- The Mind-Blowing Mystery and Privilege of Prayer: Francis Chan Sermon
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- The Stewardship of Fasting by J.G. Morrison (Part 2)
- David Brainerd: Missionary, Man of Prayer, Mighty Spiritual Influence
- Fasting Day 18: The Calvary Road, Part 1
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- Fasting Day 18: Returning in Power, Part 1
- Jack R. Taylor, Prayer: Life’s Limitless Reach (Tonbridge, England: Sovereign World, 2004) 18-20
- Ibid., 19-20

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