The Touch of God – Moses: Sermon by David Wilkerson

Do you want to be a man or woman whom God has touched? When God gives you an urge to seek Him, it means He wants to touch your life. If you’re fasting with Pursuit 21, you no doubt have felt an urge to begin seeking God. So He clearly wants to touch your life.
But in order to become a God-touched man or woman, you must first respond to two calls from Him—the call to come up and the call to come out.
In “The Touch of God – Moses” David Wilkerson tells how Moses exemplifies these two calls—and how you and I can respond to these calls from God and be touched by Him.
It’s vital that we understand this, because the man or woman who has responded to these two calls from God is a man or woman whom He will touch.
David Wilkerson preached this sermon not long after 9/11 (September 11, 2001). Like all David Wilkerson sermons, the power of the Holy Spirit permeates every word. God has spoken to me, convicted me, and deeply touched me through it countless times over the past 10+ years. It’s the kind of sermon that hearing just once is not enough. It’s packed so full of deep truth and conviction of the Holy Spirit that, for me at least, it takes multiple times hearing it to even begin to scratch its surface.
I’ve prayed daily for the past two weeks about sharing this message with you and feel strongly led to do so today. So please take a moment to listen and see what God might be saying to you through it.
“The Touch of God – Moses” by David Wilkerson
Sermon Audio (used by permission of Times Square Church):
The following is a summary of the sermon. The scriptures passages are listed under “Bible Reading” at the end of this post.
The Need for God-Touched Men and Women
The world is in chaos. No matter the city or country where you reside, there is widespread violence and fear, immorality and wickedness. God does not sit idly by and let this happen. Throughout history, He has had a remedy for times like this. And He has the same remedy today. What is that remedy? It’s a man or woman that He touches.
Scripture describes the man and woman who are touched by God.
“Blessed is the man You choose, And cause to approach You, That he may dwell in Your courts” (Psalm 65:4, NKJV).
When God touches a man or woman, He first chooses and calls them apart. He brings them into His presence and gives them a word. As a result, that man or woman understands the times and has a word from God.
Time and again in Israel’s history, they would reject God, turn to idols, and adopt heathen practices. Their wickedness grieved God. Each generation was seven times more wicked than the previous.
How did God restore these societies? He would raise up a person — a godly judge … prophet … king. These God-touched men were His means of deliverance.
If we want to be men and women touched by God we must respond to the call — the call to come up and to come out.
What did God see in the great men of Israel that He raised up? What made them different? They weren’t super men. They weren’t sinless men. It wasn’t destiny. (King Saul aborted the plan of God for his life.)
God chose them and called them to do two things. Whether or not they responded to this call determined whether or not they aborted God’s plan, whether or not they were ultimately God-touched men and women.
When God gives you an urge to begin to seek Him, it means He desires to touch your life. There is nothing more glorious and more dangerous to the kingdom of hell than a man or woman touched by God.
When God chooses a man or woman and sets them apart for a special work, they always receive two calls. It’s the still the same two calls today.
Moses exemplifies these two calls — the call to come up and the call to come out.
The Call to Come Up
If God has the intention of touching you in a special way its because He knows you’re going to respond to His call. The first call is to come out of your busy life and make a commitment to seek the face of God.
How a man values the presence of God in his life has to do with the fire and intensity of the touch. Hear it again: The intensity of the touch of God on your life has to do with how you value His presence in your life.

Moses was a busy man. His congregation numbered in the millions. He was chosen to approach God and be with Him. In spite of the demands on his schedule, Moses responded to God’s call to come up and be near Him.
Not every chosen man or woman responds to God’s call to come near.
There isn’t a true believer who hasn’t known the call — where God says I want to change you. I want to take you places where no one else has been. I want to take you deeper and further in God and reveal Christ as you’ve never known him. You have felt that call and you prayed for a season. You met God in the secret place … but it was fleeting. It did not last.
When God gives you the urge to seek Him, it’s because He wants to touch you. Have you felt the urge to come near to God in prayer? Have you heard a little, still, small voice say, “Pray. Come near to me in prayer. Come be with me”? But you didn’t respond? That’s why God does not touch your life. Men and women who are touched by God have answered that call.
Most called, chosen men and women go halfway up the mountain — just as those with Moses did. They stopped halfway to the touch of God. They failed to go all the way into God’s presence. Do you want to miss God’s call by mere distance?
The man or woman God touches are those who wait in His presence, quietly worship and feeding on Christ. One of the greatest joys for God is to see people who love Him enough and desire Him enough to sit in His presence. — Men and women who will put aside their agenda because they believe there is nothing more important in their lives than Jesus.
The Call to Come Out
The camp of the Israelites was defiled. They were engaged in wickedness. God could not come down and abide among defiled people. Moses tried to pray in that defilement. All He got in response was God’s word saying He would send an angel with them, but He would not go with them because of the defilement.
The only way God would go with them was if He had a man who departed the place of defilement for a place of undefilement. This is what Moses did. He went to a place apart from the defilement.
If there is defilement in us, we cannot count on God’s presence going with us. We need to get far away from our defilement — far away from the vile things we watch on TV, far away from pornography, far away from that relationship that is immoral, far away from worshiping idols of materialism, far away from disobedience.
When Moses left the place of defilement, the cloudy pillar descended and God talked with Moses. He spoke to Moses face to face as a man speaks to his friend! Wouldn’t you like for God to speak to you face to face as a man speaks to a friend? Respond to God’s call to come up and come out.
The thing that should mark us as believers is the presence of God. That’s God’s desire for us as individuals and as churches. God’s presence is what should mark our lives … and should mark our churches.
Moses said, “Lord, if you will not give us your presence, there is no use in us moving another step. I’m not going on without you.”
The moment God had just one man shut in with Him alone, outside the camp of defilement, in a clean place — immediately His presence came down, the cloud appeared, the presence of God returned. Moses’ prayer and his walk with God affected the entire camp! The people made the presence of God a requirement. They essentially said, “I’ve got to have the presence of God in my life if I have to live in this desert!”
God will do the same through you when you respond to His call to come up and come out. He’ll use you to affect those around you.
God wants to take you further and deeper than you’ve ever been. He wants to reveal Christ to you as you’ve never known Him. Will you respond to His call to come up and come out?
A Moment of Worship: Touch of Heaven
Touch of Heaven (Acoustic)
Words and Music by Michael Fatkin, Hannah Hobbs, Aodhán King
From the Album: There is More by Hillsong Worship
Listen on Apple Music | Buy on iTunes
Listen on Prime Music | Buy on Amazon
Watch Video on Apple Music | Buy on iTunes
Bible Reading: Psalm 65:4; 1 Samuel 12:10-11; Exodus 19:20; 20:21; 24; 33:7-17;
1 Corinthians 3:17
- Has God given you an urge to seek Him? If so, it means He is wanting to touch your life. Will you respond to the calls to come up and to come out?
- Would you like for God to take you further and deeper than you’ve ever been? Would you like for Him to reveal Christ to you as you’ve never known Him?
- Will you draw near to God and wait in His presence, quietly worship and feeding on Christ? Do you love Him enough and desire Him enough to sit in His presence? Will you put aside your agenda because you believe there is nothing more important in your life than Jesus?
- Do you want an intense touch of God on your life — the kind you see in other people? How you value the presence of God determines the fire and intensity of the touch of God on your life. What do your choices say about how you value God’s presence? What does the way you spend your time throughout the day say about how you value God’s presence?
- Are you missing God’s call by mere distance? Have you gone only halfway up the mountain as those with Moses did?
- What is the defilement in the “camp” of your life? Is it a relationship that you know God does not sanction? Or is it watching entertainment that celebrates sin and wickedness? Or is it pornography? Or is it worshiping idols of materialism? Or is it a disobedience to something God asked you to do or not do?
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- Fasting Day 19: Returning in Power, Part 2
- Fasting Day 19: Returning in Power, Part 3
* Sermon audio used by permission of Times Square Church.

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