When You Give (6): “Am I Generous?”

Would you describe yourself as generous? God is an extravagant giver. He always rewards generosity when we give with the right heart. And He rewards us in every area of our lives!
The video below is the fifth message of The Blessed Life series by Robert Morris: “Am I Generous?”
The Blessed Life, Sermon 5: Am I Generous?
A very important question we all need to ask ourselves is “am I generous?” Selfishness is the enemy of generosity and tries to take the place of God. A generous heart stems from a grateful heart. The most extravagant gift you can give God is yourself. We can be generous toward God once we realize that He
is more than generous in His love toward us. God is extravagant, and He
rewards those who give generously.
Sermon Outline and Excerpts
Key Scriptures: John 12:1–8, Mark 14:8–9
1. The Enemy of Generosity
1 Corinthians 10:13
There is an age-old battle of God being generous and Satan being selfish. Selfishness promotes, protects, and provides for self. Selfishness tries to take God’s place in our lives. (Tweet this)
As followers of Christ we are called to abandon everything and give all we have to the advancement of God’s kingdom. Regarding the issue of money, God is not only testing our hearts to see if we can handle money, He is testing our hearts to see if we can handle true riches.
2. The Extravagance of Generosity
2 Corinthians 8:5
In John 12:1–8, Mary gives a generous gift to the Lord by anointing Jesus and pouring one year’s wages on His feet. Mary passed the test of the heart. Judas, however, did not.
Pastor Morris asks:
Could you give a gift to God that would impress Him—the One who owns everything and paves His streets with gold? Absolutely! The most extravagant gift we can give God is ourselves. (Tweet this)
2 Corinthians 8:5 says, “They first gave themselves to the Lord.” It’s not the amount that you give, it’s that you give Him your heart. Don’t tell me that He has your heart if He doesn’t have your money, because Jesus said, “Where you treasure is, there will be your heart.” (Matthew 6:21)
There are three levels of giving. They are:
- Tithes
- Offerings
- Extravagant offerings.
Did you know that most Christians never get to the first level of giving? Do you know how many Christians last year tithed ten percent of their gross income? Between five and seven percent. So 93 to 95 percent of all believers never even get to the first level of giving.
But here’s the good news: if you get to the first level, you will be able to go to the second and third levels because the curse is removed, and the windows of heaven are opened!
3. The Reward of Generosity
Mark 14:8–9; Hebrews 11:6
“She has done what she could. She has come beforehand to anoint My body for burial. 9 Assuredly, I say to you, wherever this gospel is preached in the whole world, what this woman has done will also be told as a memorial to her” (Mark 14:8-9).
Mary was rewarded. Jesus said, “wherever the Gospel is preached, what Mary has done will be told.” Mary didn’t give in order to receive a reward. She came to Jesus just to give. But God rewarded her!
Why did she give such a generous gift? Because two months before this, her brother Lazarus had been raised from the dead. Generosity comes from gratitude. Grateful people are generous. (Tweet this)
If one of your family members was raised form the dead, would you be grateful? All of us who believe in Jesus have been raised from the dead.
Generosity is when you give expecting nothing in return. Selfishness is when you give thinking God owes you something in return. Generosity gives expecting nothing from God in return—but He always rewards it.
“But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him” (Hebrews 11:6, emphasis added).
The word “rewarder” comes from a Greek word that is only in the New Testament one time. It’s a five syllable word. Nearly every syllable means “to pay what is due.” But one syllable changes it, and it means “to reward with extravagance, to give more than what is due.” (Tweet this)
It’s like if someone lost his wallet, and you returned it—and instead of giving you a $50 reward, he gives you a $5000 reward. You say, “Well there is only $50 in the wallet; this is too much.” But he’s not rewarding the amount that you returned; he’s rewarding your honesty—the attitude of your heart.
It’s not the amount that you give, it’s the attitude of our heart that God rewards. (Tweet this)
God always rewards. God cannot not reward you. He is going to reward you, if you give with the right heart. Here’s the reason why: because Hebrews 11:6 says “God IS a rewarder.” He is. This is something He is. In other words, God can’t lie to you because He is truth. He is truth. He is a rewarder.
Lots of times God blesses us financially, but there is a difference between being blessed and being rewarded. He blesses us with finances, but Genesis 12 tells us what His reward is. He said your reward will be Me—I will reward you with Myself. In other words, His reward affects every area of your life.
Generosity gives not to be rewarded, but God always rewards generosity when we give with the right heart. God rewards extravagantly, and He wants to reward us when we fight through selfishness.
One of the extravagant ways God has rewarded us already is the gift of eternal life through His Son, Jesus Christ. We become more Christ-like when we are a people of generosity and extravagant giving. (Tweet this)
Heavenly Father, thank You for the extravagant gift of everlasting life that You have given us through Jesus Christ. We recognize Your great love for us. Help us to not hold anything back from You! Help us to give of our lives and resources for the advancement of Your kingdom. We pray that we would never hold back out of fear, but we would always be able to trust that You are our promoter, protector, and provider. Thank You for Your great love. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
- Selfishness is the enemy of generosity and tries to take the place of God in our lives. > Tweet
- The most extravagant gift you can give God is yourself. > Tweet
- A generous heart stems from a grateful heart. Grateful people are generous. > Tweet
- God is a rewarder. (Heb. 11:6) He rewards us with extravagance, giving more than what is due. > Tweet
- It’s not the amount that you give, it’s the attitude of your heart that God rewards. > Tweet
- God ALWAYS rewards. He cannot not reward you if you give with the right heart. Why? Heb. 11:6 says God IS a rewarder. > Tweet
- God cannot lie to you because He IS truth. He cannot not reward you because He IS a rewarder. > Tweet
- Being rewarded is different than being blessed. God’s reward is Himself. His reward affects every area of your life. > Tweet
- We become more Christ-like when we are a people of generosity and extravagant giving. > Tweet
- God, thank You for the extravagant gift of eternal life that You’ve given us through Jesus Christ. > Tweet
- God, thank you for Your great love for us. Help us to not hold anything back from You! > Tweet
- God, help us to give of our lives and resources for the advancement of Your kingdom. > Tweet
- God, we refuse to hold back out of fear. We trust that You are our promoter, protector, and provider. > Tweet
- What is a talent, gift, or ability that you have? How might you be able to give your time in this area to bless a person, a ministry, or your church in an extravagant way?
- For example, if you are a doctor, how could you give of your services in an extravagant way?
- If you are gifted in the area of construction, how could you give of your abilities to build or remodel a building or home to bless someone?
- If you are an attorney or an accountant, how could you give of your services in an extravagant way?
- If you are an artist, how could you give your talent and skill in an extravagant way?
- Perhaps you have expertise with certain software or computer technology? How could you give of your expertise in an extravagant way?
- Maybe you’re a phenomenal cook! How could you bless someone extravagantly through your talent?
- Any talent, ability, or skill God has given you could be used to bless a person, a ministry, or church extravagantly.
- How could you give financially in an extravagant way?
- Perhaps helping a single mom or a widow with a month of groceries or utility bills would be an extravagant way to give …
- Or purchasing a car for someone who desperately needs one …
- Ask God how you can give extravagantly! He will reward you in every area of your life!
- Are you holding something back from God? If so, why? Is it because of fear?
- Ask God to help you give of your life and resources for the advancement of His kingdom. Ask Him to help you trust that He is your promoter, protector, and provider.
- Giving God the First: When You Give (Part 1)
- When You Give (2): “It’s All About the Heart” by Robert Morris
- When You Give (3): “What Test?” by Robert Morris
- When You Give (4): “The Principle of First”
- When You Give (5): “Breaking the Spirit of Mammon”
- When You Give (7): Three Characteristics of an Extravagant Giver
1. Sermon outline, summary paragraphs, and closing prayer from Gateway Church. Excerpts taken from the video recording of Am I Generous?

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