Sharing God’s Touch With Others

Were you blessed by the content published during Pursuit 21? Were you inspired to pray and pursue God? Motivated to prioritize God’s word? Taught how to wage war with God’s personal promises?
Did you notice a change for the better during Pursuit 21? Perhaps you were disciplined in setting apart time for prayer compared to prior to the fast. Or maybe you heard God’s voice more clearly. Perhaps you sensed His presence more strongly … or your hunger for prayer and the Word increased … or you were you convicted of sins and areas of compromise.
Did God speak to you through His word? Were you reminded afresh that your real home is not here — that it’s hidden with Christ in God? Was your perspective aligned with God’s eternal end-of-time view?
Did God touch your life in some way? …
If you were blessed and encouraged during the season of prayer, would you consider making a donation to help Shades of Grace continue sharing God’s encouragement with others?
Shades of Grace is a faith-based organization supported by friends like you who want to give people hope in the midst of their trials.
“Faith-based” means that we have no other means of financial support than God’s provision through readers like you who believe in the work God has called us to do.
I am incredibly grateful for those who support this work through their generous gifts, both large and small. You see, there are expenses involved in making this encouraging content available. It costs something each month in order to provide the wealth of teaching and devotional material that is available here and that is delivered via email.
Would you pray about what donation God would have you give today?
When you give to Shades of Grace, you are sharing God’s comfort with lost and hurting people who need Christ. Through your support, you are bringing the life-changing Word of God to someone who desperately needs a touch from the Lord.
Your gift allows us to reach men and women in the midst of their tests and trials — and point them to Christ!
Here at Shades of Grace Ministries, our mission is to share God’s comfort for life’s trials. This mission is the passion of my heart. Through years of immeasurable suffering, God’s Word sustained me. His grace carried me through.
Now — more than ever — hurting men and women need to be encouraged with God’s Word and His promise to carry them through any affliction. They need someone to share God’s comfort with them.
With your donation, you’re bringing the life-changing Word of God to someone who desperately needs a touch from the Lord. You’re counseling someone who is hurting and alone, praying with them in their moment of need, giving them a timely word of encouragement — uplifting reminders that Christians care and are here to help them!
You’re providing content that teaches, inspires, and uplifts — content someone just “happens” to click to in their desperate hour.
You’re providing the means through which God infuses others with His life — with His hope, His strength, His Truth, His peace.
You are lifting depression, chasing away doubts, and imparting help and hope in Christ to hurting people. Thank you for showing them that Jesus cares — that He intervenes. He sustains. He loves.
Your gift allows us to lead people from over 60 countries in seeking God through prayer and fasting.
God has touched over 60 countries through the ministry of Shades of Grace during our ten annual Pursuit 21 events. Men and women from six continents and over 60 countries have joined us in pursuing God through prayer and fasting — and lives have been radically transformed!
Many people who participate in Pursuit 21 for the first time are so blessed by the experience that they make fasting a regular part of their lifestyle. Consequently, they experience God more deeply, encounter Him in His Word more powerfully, pray more earnestly, walk more righteously … and see more miracles in their lives, their families, and their communities all year long.
This is what will happen for many people the rest of this year … all because they began the year seeking God first with Pursuit 21.
Some of these 60+ countries rank high in Open Doors’ World Watch List, a list which ranks the 50 most dangerous countries to follow Jesus. When I see Pursuit 21 form submissions from people who are joining us from some of these countries, it causes me to fall to my knees in prayer for them. It is humbling to know that God is using Shades of Grace to strengthen and encourage persecuted Christians in such dangerous countries.
Leading Christians in these and all the countries God has called us to is a responsibility I do not take lightly. I could not do it without your prayers and support.
God uses your gifts to make it possible for us to reach people in these 60+ countries and lead them in seeking God first above all else.
Imagine the prayer that is taking place around the world … the breakthroughs God is able to give … the anointing He is able to bestow … the ways He is able to move in communities and nations — because of your partnership in the Gospel.
Billy Graham said,
“Every man or woman whose life has ever counted for God has been a person of prayer. A prayerless Christian is a powerless Christian…. Throughout both the Bible and the history of the church, those who made the greatest impact for God were those who prayed the most.”
As a result of God’s leadership in Pursuit 21, men and women’s lives in over 60 countries are counting for God!
God does nothing apart from believing prayer. There is much being accomplished in the church in America today, but it is being produced by human effort, absent God’s anointing. The devil does not mind in the least that we engage in lifeless, spiritually powerless activity. What he minds is prayer—the one activity the church has largely vacated.
“The one concern of the devil is to keep Christians from praying. He fears nothing from prayerless studies, prayerless work, and prayerless religion. He laughs at our toil, mocks at our wisdom, but trembles when we pray.” — Samuel Chadwick
Friend, when you support Shades of Grace, you are encouraging people to engage in the one activity that yields fruit for God’s kingdom and diminishes the enemy’s territory — prayer. And you’re doing so in over 60 countries!
What donation would God have you give today?
Would you take a moment and pray about what donation God would have you give today?
Through your gift, you will reach someone in their trial — and touch them with the life of Christ and the power of His word! You’ll help them find help and hope in the midst of their circumstance.
With your donation, you will lead people around the world in seeking God in prayer — and help them experience a miraculous change in their lives, communities, and nations.
God may lead you to give a one-time gift, or to make a monthly support commitment. When you support Shades of Grace on a monthly basis, it is a tremendous help! It gives us a firm foundation from which to make plans and affect lives for the kingdom in the months ahead.
Whether you can give $10, $25, $50, $100 or more in a one-time or monthly donation, please know that your gift will help us proclaim the hope of Christ — a hope that can transform our world.
Thank You for your partnership in the Gospel!
Thank you in advance for your gift! God bless you for partnering with Shades of Grace as we bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to countless men and women around the world.
Together we are touching lives and transforming hearts through God’s love and grace and His powerful Word.
Thank you for making an investment in eternity! You are a valued member of the Shades of Grace team — a critical part of all God is doing to change lives from the inside out. We couldn’t do it without your support!
God “will not forget your work and the love you have shown Him as you have helped His people and continue to help them” (Hebrews 6:10).
May God fulfill His promise in your life: “A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed” (Proverbs 11:25).
May God bless you in every way possible for your faithfulness to His kingdom!
Thanking God for You,
P.S. Please remember that I am here to serve you! I would really like to hear from you if you have any prayer requests.

Disclosure of Material Connection: Some of the links in the post above are “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, Shades of Grace will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will add value to my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”