Currently Browsing: Americana
May 6th 10
National Day of Prayer: Why Pray?
Today is the National Day of Prayer, an event established by an act of Congress that encourages Americans to pray for our nation, its people and its leaders. As you may know, this is our focus each Thursday in the Concert of Prayer. I am passionate about our nation, its history and founding. The fact that we have departed from the principles on which we were founded – the principles by which God’s... read more
May 5th 10
Is America a Christian Nation? More Quotes From Our Founders
A Florida school district is being accused in a lawsuit of making a deal with the ACLU to criminalize “protected religious expression,” banning students from saying “God bless” and forcing teachers to “hide in closets to pray.” Two students originally complained that staff or faculty members were expressing their religious views off-campus at events such as off-campus... read more
May 5th 10
America’s Founding Fathers and Early Statesmen: A Few Declarations on Jesus, Christianity and the Bible
Tomorrow is the National Day of Prayer. It has been ruled unconstitutional by a federal district court in Wisconsin. Since Christianity and the freedom of its expression are under attack in America, I feel it is important to take a long look at our heritage. Some people say that America is not a Christian nation. We are certainly a nation of Christians – and have been since the days our founding... read more
May 4th 10
America’s Founders and Presidents: Proclamations of Public Fasting and Prayer
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14 The following content is not exhaustive but is sufficient to demonstrate the genuine Christian faith of our founders, their understanding that we are entirely reliant upon God to... read more
Apr 8th 10
National Revival in America: It Comes Down to You and Me
Praying for spiritual awakening in America is a broad, sweeping prayer. Ultimately, the awakening we desire on a national level must first be experienced in our lives on a personal level. Corporate revival comes down to individual revival, to our spiritual walk – our personal repentance, submission, holiness and filling with the Holy Spirit’s power. It is not only hypocritical; it is counter... read more
Mar 25th 10
Interceding for America: Two Points in Prayer
Many American citizens are grieved over the corrupt politicians and lack of representation in our government, especially after recent legislation that defied the will of the people. To the sleeping nation, it feels as though we lost America and our blood bought freedoms overnight. However, unless we truly repent and pray for our nation, things will only worsen. After I posted to facebook about our need... read more
Jan 21st 10
Fasts Proclaimed by American Government Leaders
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. — 2 Chronicles 7:14 The Assembly of Virginia The Assembly of Virginia passed a resolution on June 1, 1774 as a day of fasting, humiliation, and prayer. In May, 1774, the British Parliament ordered... read more
Nov 26th 09
Thanksgiving: The Oldest American Holiday
This morning I read an excellent article by the Christian Law Association outlining the history of Thanksgiving. Not only does it provide an excellent history of the holiday, but it also presents yet further evidence of the centrality of God in our nation’s history. I have placed the article below. You can also download a PDF of the Legal Alert newsletter in which it appears. Thanksgiving is the... read more
Nov 26th 09
Historic Thanksgiving Day Proclamations
“I do…issue this my proclamation, hereby appointing Thursday…a day of public and solemn Thanksgiving and prayer to Almighty God, earnestly recommending to all the good people …to set apart the said day for those purposes” – Thomas Jefferson November 11, 1779 A 1777 Thanksgiving Proclamation, issued by the Continental Congress: The committee appointed to prepare... read more