Currently Browsing: Overcoming Adversity
Mar 18th 14
God Still Clothes the Lilies, Lesson 4: Trust in God and His Deliverance
Are you in an overwhelming, hopeless circumstance? Do you have a problem that is constantly on your mind? Do you find yourself continually fretting, worrying, strategizing . . . desperately trying to find a solution? The fourth lesson and action step to implement in seasons of suffering and uncertainty is: Lesson #4: Trust in God and His Deliverance Lesson three in the previous post centered around Psalm... read more
Mar 16th 14
God Still Clothes the Lilies, Lesson 3: Hope in God Alone
Are you pleading with God to bring a change in your circumstance? Have you been praying and believing God for a miracle deliverance but it hasn’t occurred? The third lesson and action step to implement in seasons of suffering and uncertainty is: Lesson #3: Hope in God Alone Our hope and expectation are to be in God alone—not in the government, or insurance, or a doctor, or a spouse, or a... read more
Mar 13th 14
God Still Clothes the Lilies, Lesson 2: View Your Needs from Heaven’s Higher Perspective
Does it seem God isn’t providing for your needs? Has this caused you to become angry, disillusioned, despondent — perhaps even to the point you find it hard to pray? I can relate. I’ve felt that way even recently. So I’m revisiting a truth I learned years ago. The second lesson and action step to implement in seasons of suffering and uncertainty is: Lesson 2: View Your Needs from... read more
Mar 11th 14
God Still Clothes the Lilies, Lesson 1: Rest in God’s Sovereign Rule
In yesterday’s post, I mentioned that I’m in a season of great uncertainty and compacted suffering. The latest shoes to drop, so to speak, involve the loss of my health insurance and the illness of a family member and consequent financial, physical, and logistical demands. Together with the trials of the last few years this has felt like an avalanche of overwhelming, suffocating, destructive... read more
Mar 9th 14
God Still Clothes the Lilies: 10 Lessons for Seasons of Uncertainty (Part 1)
I just mailed my last insurance premium … my last for a while, anyway. Because of Obamacare my insurance cancelled—insurance I’ve had for fourteen years for a preexisting condition (having a preexisting condition was a prerequisite for eligibility with this insurance). Insurance on the exchange is far more expensive than my Risk Pool coverage has been—too expensive for me to... read more
May 22nd 13
God’s Power in Weakness (5): Scriptures About Weakness and Strength
What better way to end this series about God’s strength in our weakness than by looking to the source of our strength, the Word of God—the Living Word, Jesus Christ, and the written word, the Bible. It’s vital that our minds be renewed through scripture, giving us an understanding of God’s perspective of our weakness. But victory through weakness doesn’t occur by mere head... read more
May 20th 13
God’s Power in Weakness (4): Too Much Going for You
When Gideon was first called, he felt weak, insignificant, inadequate. He said to the Angel of the LORD (Jesus), “O my Lord, how can I save Israel? Indeed my clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my father’s house” (Judges 6:15, NKJ). In spite of this weakness, when it came time to fulfill his call, Gideon had too much going for him—so much going for Him that God... read more
May 15th 13
God’s Power in Weakness (3): Spurgeon, Murray, and Wilkerson on Weakness
Great men of God throughout history have had at least one common experience—weakness in the face of God’s call. Below are excerpts from C.H. Spurgeon, Andrew Murray, and David Wilkerson regarding weakness. These excerpts helped me view my weakness through God’s eyes. I can easily become so preoccupied with the temporal realm, so accustomed to judging life from a human standpoint, that I... read more
May 6th 13
God’s Power in Weakness (1): Jamie Grace, An Inspiring Example
Do you think you can never fulfill your dream, your calling, because of a weakness or inadequacy? God chooses the weak to shame the strong! His power is accomplished in our weakness and inadequacy! Weakness is actually an incredible opportunity. Jamie Grace is a beautiful example of this truth. BGEA published an inspiring article about the Dove-award winning singer/songwriter. In it she talks about her... read more
Mar 28th 13
The Confrontational Language of the Cross (Mini-Post)
“In our attempt to win the world by impressing the world, we have abandoned the confrontational language of the cross for the wooing language of power, might, success, and winning. The true power of our faith is power that the world calls weakness, and the victory of our faith is victory that the world calls failure. The Christ we profess to follow was made “perfect through suffering.” [Heb.... read more