Currently Browsing: Overcoming Adversity
Jan 24th 13
Three Truths for Stormy Seasons
This is a guest post by Tami Lee Hughes. You can read more about her below. At an early age, I learned that life is an adventure with highs, lows, and everything in between. Although we embrace the good times, we also experience hardship, loss, suffering, and things that are difficult to understand. I entered an intense period of trials just over one year ago. In a period of three weeks, my aunt died... read more
Nov 21st 12
Finding Contentment and Thanksgiving in Suffering, Part Two
In Part One of this post, we discussed the fact that suffering is “having what you don’t want and wanting what you don’t have.” By those terms, everyone is experiencing a measure of suffering. It is possible to find contentment and thanksgiving in our suffering because of Jesus Christ. Knowing Him more fully is the greatest gift we could ever receive. But it often takes experiences... read more
Nov 21st 12
Finding Contentment and Thanksgiving in Suffering, Part One
Did you know that suffering can be an occasion for gratitude? Without the eyes of faith, this may seem insane. But looking through God’s eyes of eternity, it is not only possible, it’s logical. In When God Weeps, Joni E. Tada defines suffering as “having what you don’t want and wanting what you don’t have.” Defined by these terms, everyone is suffering in some way.... read more
Nov 20th 12
Celebrating Scott Brodie
Scott Brodie has been a living epistle. People around the world have been changed by observing him and seeing God in the pages of his life. In Scott’s faith, hope, joy, and response to great affliction, we’ve seen God’s face, God’s truth, God’s character, God’s loving purposes for our afflictions. We’ve seen the very faith of the Son of God. On November 5th, 2012, Scott met his... read more
Dec 4th 11
The Sublime Side of Suffering: Three Lessons Gleaned While Waiting in Line
Waiting in line at a local Glenn Beck book signing, we struck up a conversation. She was there with her mom. I was there with mine. We each held our place in line while our mothers went to find seating in the bookstore in which to rest and endure the long wait. With only two seats in the entire bookstore, which were naturally unavailable, they quickly returned. At first we discussed small things –... read more
Sep 11th 11
A Nation Mourns: What is God’s Comfort for Grief
Today, on the anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks, America mourns the loss of 2,974 people who died in the attacks, as well those who died in the subsequent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. As a nation, our hearts are heavy with grief. Much of America, (myself included) did not personally know a victim of 9/11. But as we’ve read accounts or watched footage about that awful day and those... read more
Jan 4th 11
Overcoming Adversity 101: The Complete Series
Overcoming Adversity 101 is a nine-part series. Because the chronological order of the posts was interrupted, I have included the links to all nine posts below. The Sovereignty of God Do God and Satan alternate shifts? What about accidents? The Long Ranger Is God Good and Loving? A Few Reasons Why A Few More Reasons Why Ten Final Reasons Why Sovereignty vs. Healing Question: Did a particular post... read more
Dec 31st 10
Overcoming Adversity 101, Part 9: Sovereignty vs. Healing
This post was originally written as an email message in response to a question submitted online. “I see that in your blog post My Surprise Visitor, you use the term ‘God, in His Sovereignty, allowed…’ Can you help me understand this? A pastor from my former church preached on God’s sovereignty being the reason he had cancer and accepting his fate as Gods will for his life. He... read more
Dec 30th 10
Overcoming Adversity 101, Part 8: Ten Final Reasons Why
God has loving reasons for allowing our trials. He didn’t let that pain touch you because He lacks love but because He does love you. Suffering: 1. Causes us to know and experience the fact that: God sustains us: “Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens” (Ps. 68:19). He is our way of escape when the load is more than we can bear. He helps us bear it. (See 1 Cor.... read more
Dec 29th 10
Overcoming Adversity 101, Part 7: A Few More Reasons Why
God has permitted our specific trials for good, loving and precise reasons. Because He is sovereign and has power over all the circumstance of this life, God has the ability to permit and limit each trial that touches us. He lovingly screens each trial and permits only those that will accomplish His potential for our lives. As each circumstance reaches us, not only has it been permitted by God, He has... read more