Currently Browsing: Overcoming Adversity
Dec 28th 10
Overcoming Adversity 101, Part 6: A Few Reasons Why
Until we reach Heaven, we won’t know every single reason God allowed our specific adversities. However, being reminded of a few of the things God might be accomplishing through them changes our perspective of our current problems. God has loving reasons for allowing our trials. He didn’t let that pain touch you because He lacked love but because He does love you. God allows difficulties to enter... read more
Dec 27th 10
Overcoming Adversity 101, Part 5: Is God Good and Loving?
Many people often assert that God must not be good or loving if He knows ahead of time that a hardship is going to occur…and yet He still allows it to touch their lives. After all, He could prevent it, couldn’t He? In moments of extreme pain and sorrow, I’ve had the same impulse reaction. I’ve cried, “God, you’re not good – you don’t love me – because... read more
Nov 23rd 10
Overcoming Adversity 101, Part 4: The Long Ranger
God hates tragedies and the suffering that results. Jesus spent much of his time on earth removing it. Throughout the Bible God instructs us to clothe the naked, feed the hungry, visit those in prison, pray for those who are sick, look after orphans and widows and loose the chains of injustice. “God has not despised or disdained the suffering of the afflicted one; he has not hidden his face from him... read more
Sep 14th 10
Overcoming Adversity 101, Part 3: What About Accidents?
When God allows something to occur, He is acting deliberately. He is decreeing or ordaining the event. Such is the case with “accidents.” For example, in Numbers 35, God instructs Israelite courts how to treat a person who “has killed someone accidentally.” The alleged murderer had to have a place to flee for asylum so that he wouldn’t be killed before he could appear in court. Any number of... read more
Sep 8th 10
Overcoming Adversity 101, Part 2: Do God and Satan Alternate Shifts?
This post is part two in a series on God’s Sovereignty. If you have not read part one, please see Overcoming Adversity 101: The Sovereignty of God, Part 1. The question of alternating shifts of power is first addressed there. Do God and Satan alternate shifts of controlling the world? It often seems like Satan has punched in as manager of the world and God is never coming back from His break. Yet... read more
Aug 26th 10
Refresher Course: The Opportunity of Weakness
Over the past few weeks, I have been revisiting a sweet truth I learned years ago — being weak in body is actually a wonderful opportunity, a chance to have more of myself removed and replaced with Christ. Due to an extended absence of one of my major medications, I have grown quite weak and my brain chemistry has become abnormal. When I first began noticing the psychiatric effects, my emotions had... read more
Jun 30th 10
Scott Brodie: Answers and Inspiration, Jack #3
Do you feel like you can’t get a break in life? Are you tired of life’s constant struggles? Does it seem like circumstances are too tough—too insurmountable? Scott Brodie has a word of encouragement for you today. This post is part of a series on assisted suicide — but don’t let that keep you from perusing. No matter the topic, these videotaped excerpts from the Brodie home will bless... read more
Jun 21st 10
Walking Through the Valley: The Scott Brodie Story
Be inspired to find hope, peace, perspective and promise in Christ no matter what you are facing! He went from being a happy, healthy athletic husband and father of four to a man given a death sentence in a doctor’s office. His world turned upside down in a matter of moments. Would Lou Gehrig’s disease defeat him or did God have something else in mind? Scott Brodie, an avid athlete, received... read more
Jun 10th 10
Overcoming Adversity 101, Part 1: The Sovereignty of God
The first step to overcoming adversity is accepting and resting in God’s sovereign rule. Adversity got the best of me until I grasped this scriptural reality. It’s a concept that can only be understood through the parameter of a relationship with Jesus Christ. Knowing Jesus Christ is vital to overcoming adversity. You might call it “Overcoming Adversity 100.” Overcoming adversity is impossible... read more
Jun 3rd 10
The Problem of Pain: Is God a Cosmic Sadist?
Last night I spoke with a woman who is in deep despair. Years of endless suffering, chronic illness and abandonment by her family have left her completely disillusioned. “God could change all of this,” she said. “Why doesn’t He? I don’t understand…” If we are completely honest, we might admit there is a circumstance in our lives causing us to ask the same question. It may be a minor... read more