Currently Browsing: Fasting
Jan 10th 19
Breaking Barriers to the Spirit’s Power: A Little Motivation, Part Three
Do you want God to do immeasurably more than all you could ask or imagine? Would you like Him to work unhindered through your prayers? Certainly! But there is a prerequisite to this. Perhaps it is a step you’re already taking…. In Parts One and Two of A Little Motivation, we began taking a look at some of the actions you’re taking before God when you fast—and in turn, how you... read more
Jan 9th 19
Be Sure to Begin Your Fast With Repentance
The importance of beginning a Biblical fast with repentance cannot be overstated. If we continue fasting with unconfessed sin, God might not hear our plea. More importantly, because it grieves and quenches the Holy Spirit, sin can keep us from hearing God! Unconfessed sin hinders our worship and prevents us from enjoying communion with our Heavenly Father during these three weeks. And it causes us... read more
Jan 8th 19
Declaring Our Helplessness and Hope in God: A Little Motivation, Part Two
It can be challenging to keep your fast during the first few days. Your body and appetite are adjusting. You’re hungry, you crave comfort foods, and depending on the type of fast, your body may be weak. So it’s helpful to have a little extra motivation these first few days. It’s beneficial to be reminded of what actions you’re taking before God when you fast—and in turn, how... read more
Jan 7th 19
Fasting Day Two: A Little Motivation (Part One)
If you’re like me, the first day of your fast yesterday was tough. It seems like it’s more difficult to fast after the holidays, after eating unrestricted from Thanksgiving to New Year’s. No wonder! We’ve given King Stomach free reign over our appetite for six weeks! In light of this, I want offer a little bit of motivation. I want to remind you of a few things you’re doing... read more
Jan 6th 19
Let’s Get Started: Helpful Tips and Information to Begin Pursuit 21
It’s finally here! Pursuit 21—twenty-one days of experiencing God through fasting and prayer—begins today! There is no better way to launch the new year than with a Biblical fast. Just as beginning our day with prayer sets the course for the rest of the day and affects anything that might happen, so beginning the year with a fast sets the course for the rest of the year. When we... read more
Jan 1st 19
Pursuit 21: Launching the New Year Right
A new year has begun! Have you thought about the desires you have for the coming year? Perhaps there are things you’d like to see happen in your life personally … or in your family … or on your job. There is something you can do these first weeks of January that will set the course for what God does in your life all year long—something that will bring you closer to God and release... read more
Jan 31st 18
What’s Your Fasting Testimony? Share It and Put God on Display
What did God do as a result of your fasting and prayer? If He worked in your life in any way, take a moment to share your testimony. It will put God on display—and bless and encourage others! Anything God did is testimony-worthy! Although dramatic accounts are wonderful, they’re not the only kind that demonstrate God’s goodness and faithfulness. Anything God has done in your life—large or... read more
Jan 27th 18
Praise God in Advance: The Fasting-Praising Connection
Is one of your causes for fasting an overwhelming situation that is beyond impossible? Are you powerless to do anything about it? Are you fasting because you’re desperate to enlist God’s help in solving the problem? Regardless of whether you’re fasting about minor needs or a major problem with insurmountable odds, the next step for you is the same—that of praise. It’s... read more
Jan 26th 18
It’s Not Too Hard for God: Believe Again
What are your causes for fasting? Is one of them something God has given you a promise about—something He spoke to you and revealed His will about long ago, but the answer has been so delayed that you’ve given up hope of it ever being fulfilled? You’ve quit claiming God’s promised answer. You no longer expect Him to do what He said He would. In fact, you’ve given up on this... read more
Jan 25th 18
Fasting Is Tasting: Better Than the Richest Feast
“Taste and see that the Lord is good.” Psalm 34:8 Fasting is tasting. It’s treasuring the words of His mouth more than our necessary food. (Job 23:12) We live not on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God. (Deut 8:3, Mt. 4:4) As we feed our spirit with what God has said to us through scripture, as we meditate on His words and are sustained by them, they become... read more