Currently Browsing: Christian Living
Mar 21st 14
World Down Syndrome Day: Celebrating Beautiful Lives
Today, March 21, is World Down Syndrome Day. I’m briefly interrupting our current series to share this important announcement and a few videos and articles that I believe you’ll find enlightening and helpful. A strong supporter of life and pro-life causes, and a speaker at pro-life events, I feel it’s important that we pause on this special day to celebrate life, to honor those whom God... read more
Mar 18th 14
God Still Clothes the Lilies, Lesson 4: Trust in God and His Deliverance
Are you in an overwhelming, hopeless circumstance? Do you have a problem that is constantly on your mind? Do you find yourself continually fretting, worrying, strategizing . . . desperately trying to find a solution? The fourth lesson and action step to implement in seasons of suffering and uncertainty is: Lesson #4: Trust in God and His Deliverance Lesson three in the previous post centered around Psalm... read more
Mar 16th 14
God Still Clothes the Lilies, Lesson 3: Hope in God Alone
Are you pleading with God to bring a change in your circumstance? Have you been praying and believing God for a miracle deliverance but it hasn’t occurred? The third lesson and action step to implement in seasons of suffering and uncertainty is: Lesson #3: Hope in God Alone Our hope and expectation are to be in God alone—not in the government, or insurance, or a doctor, or a spouse, or a... read more
Mar 13th 14
God Still Clothes the Lilies, Lesson 2: View Your Needs from Heaven’s Higher Perspective
Does it seem God isn’t providing for your needs? Has this caused you to become angry, disillusioned, despondent — perhaps even to the point you find it hard to pray? I can relate. I’ve felt that way even recently. So I’m revisiting a truth I learned years ago. The second lesson and action step to implement in seasons of suffering and uncertainty is: Lesson 2: View Your Needs from... read more
Mar 11th 14
God Still Clothes the Lilies, Lesson 1: Rest in God’s Sovereign Rule
In yesterday’s post, I mentioned that I’m in a season of great uncertainty and compacted suffering. The latest shoes to drop, so to speak, involve the loss of my health insurance and the illness of a family member and consequent financial, physical, and logistical demands. Together with the trials of the last few years this has felt like an avalanche of overwhelming, suffocating, destructive... read more
Mar 9th 14
God Still Clothes the Lilies: 10 Lessons for Seasons of Uncertainty (Part 1)
I just mailed my last insurance premium … my last for a while, anyway. Because of Obamacare my insurance cancelled—insurance I’ve had for fourteen years for a preexisting condition (having a preexisting condition was a prerequisite for eligibility with this insurance). Insurance on the exchange is far more expensive than my Risk Pool coverage has been—too expensive for me to... read more
Feb 1st 14
You’re Already All I Need (Worship by Christy Nockels)
“Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him.” Psalm 34:8 This is why we fast—to taste and see that Jesus is already all we need. We take refuge in Him and express confidence in nothing around us but Him. Fasting demonstrates our dependence on Him—our trust that He will provide all our needs. Fasting helps us turn to the only food that can truly... read more
Feb 1st 14
From the Archives: Fasting Day 21
Fasting Day 21 Posts From the Archives: Why Does God Reward Fasting | Kings and Priests | Shout! | Shout: Audio Message | Returning in Power, Part 6 | Returning in Power: Audio Message | How to Successfully End Your Fast | A Closing Prayer Fasting Day 21: Why Does God Reward Fasting Have you been fasting counting on God to reward? Why does God respond to fasting? Fasting is from Him,... read more
Feb 1st 14
Five Ways to Use the Praise Series (The Names and Attributes of God Series)
The fasting content this year has been peppered with posts about acknowledging and praising God for who He is. I felt led to focus our attention on God—not on ourselves or our causes for fasting. Why? God allows needs to enter our lives so that we will come to Him for the supply. He allows our needs in order to draw us closer to Himself—and reveal Himself to us in the process. If we spend... read more
Feb 1st 14
The I Am For Your Every Need (3): Action Point
At some point, the circumstances of life will render each of us drained, wounded, and in great need. But there is good news! Every need we have—and could ever have—has been met in Christ. I’d like to share an exercise with you that I found life-changing when life rendered me utterly broken and in great need. Gaze Turned Upward to God It was the first Sunday of the month—my Sunday... read more