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From the Archives: Fasting Day 7

  Fasting Day 7: Drinking Straight-up Living Water I have a friend who has a strong dislike for drinking water. She has to force herself to drink it. And even then she has to have lemon in it to cover up the taste. We Christians sometimes feel about God’s Living Water like my friend feels about drinking water. We flat don’t want it. Time spent with God and His Word doesn’t seem to... read more

My God Is: Names and Attributes of God

God is who He says He is. And He does what He says He will do. “God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it?” (Numbers 23:19, ESV) I pray that you will experience God personally and see Him intimately through His names. May He reveal Himself to you as the supply of your... read more

When You Fast and Pray …

Angela Morgan (Pursuit 21 guest blogger and friend) posted something on Facebook a while back and it was so profound I took a picture of it: That’s right! The Bible doesn’t mention Jesus being tempted when He was feeding the 5,000 … or when he was healing the sick … or when He was walking on water. No, Satan tempted Jesus when He was fasting and praying. What’s my point? 1.... read more

Praise You, Jesus: Alphabet of Praise (Part 2)

The previous post began an alphabet of praise to Jesus for who He is. This is the continuation of the alphabet beginning with the letter N. Alphabet of Praise, Part 2 Name above all names Your name is perfume poured out The nail-pierced hand holding mine My nourishment My need-meeter Absolutely necessary and absolutely enough Never-failing My nothing-is-impossible God Only Son of the Father The only true... read more

Praise You, Jesus: Alphabet of Praise (Part 1)

Engaging in a Biblical fast involves more than abstaining from food. We must combine our abstention with prayer and time in God’s word. Otherwise we’re merely on a diet. So as you’re fasting, make time to pray and internalize God’s word. This post is intended to encourage you and serve as a tool in both areas. Prayer Begins with Praise Praise is a vital part of prayer. In fact, when we... read more

Begin Your Prayers With Praise

When the disciples asked Jesus how to pray, he gave them a model prayer. Today this prayer is often referred to as the Lord’s Prayer. It gives us an outline for talking to God in prayer. Jesus began His prayer by saying: “Our Father in heaven, we honor your holy name” (Matthew 6:9, TLB). He began His prayer with praise.  We connect with God in prayer when we begin by praising Him.... read more

Shifting Your Focus

Perhaps you’re fasting to enlist the Holy Spirit’s help with a specific problem. The problem and your concern over it may have motivated you to fast, but as you fast, focus on the size and greatness of your God, not the size of your problem. Shift your focus from your problem to your mighty, promise-keeping, holy God! This is what happened when Jehoshaphat declared a fast in... read more

Fasting Day 1: Welcome

Today is the first day of Pursuit 21. If you’re fasting with us, I’d like to welcome you. I’m excited that you’ve decided to enter a life-changing season of fasting and prayer! Fasting is a principle that God intended for everyone to be able to enjoy. It’s not a punishment; it’s a privilege! By making fasting a way of life, you will get closer to God and grow in your spiritual walk... read more

When You Fast

When was the last time you entered into a Biblical fast? Do you believe a Christian should fast only on rare occasions  … if ever at all?  When … Not If After Jesus called his disciples, He gave them their first public teaching in the Sermon on the Mount. In it He explained to them the kingdom of God — its laws and life. He provided the pattern by which each of us is to live as a child of... read more

Thankfulness (7): Scriptures About Giving Thanks

Below are thirty-one scripture passages about giving God thanks — that’s one for every day of the month! I challenge you to take one passage a day, personalize it, and turn it into a prayer. For example: 1 Chronicles 16:34 could be prayed: “I give You thanks, Lord, for You are good; Your steadfast love endures forever!” Psalm 9:1-2 could be prayed: “I give thanks to You,... read more