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Jan 20th 12
Fasting Is Saying, “Give Me Jesus” (Fasting Is, Part 1)
Fasting is, in essence, saying, “Just give me Jesus!” Fasting is body language expressing our heart-hunger for God — how serious we are about wanting Him in our life. Below are a few heart-hungry scriptures you can express to God in prayer today. Psalm 27:4,8 “One thing I ask of the LORD, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze... read more
Jan 19th 12
Fasting Day 13: Fasting, Justification, and Sanctification
As I said in a previous post, we do not fast to rid of sin or obtain merit with God. Jesus Christ was the ultimate and perfect sacrifice for sin. John the Baptist acknowledged this when he saw Jesus coming to be baptized and said, “Look, the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29). Christ’s death on the cross on behalf of sinners satisfied the demands of the law and the justice... read more
Jan 18th 12
Fasting Day 12: Is Fasting a Requirement?
In the Old Testament, once a year the Jewish believers were required to fast: “In the seventh month, on the tenth day, you shall go without eating” (Lv. 16:29, CEV). This fast was kept on the Day of Atonement. So it is called the Yom Kippur Fast. God commanded everyone to fast on this day to remember the solemn experience of their salvation. On the day of Atonement, the high priest took the... read more
Jan 17th 12
Can Fasting Remove Sin? | O The Blood….
We do not fast to obtain merit with God or to rid of sin. Only the blood of Jesus can do this. “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin” (1 John 1:7). Fasting does, however, bring to the surface areas of compromise. It makes us aware of sin … and instills a hunger for righteousness and the Word of God! As we silence the voice of our appetites and tune in to the voice of... read more
Jan 16th 12
Fasting Day 10: Answering a Fasting FAQ
People around the world are fasting with Pursuit 21. Consequently, I receive a lot of questions about fasting. Recently someone asked a question about the Full Fast. I’ve heard from others who are unsure about the same issue. Although I replied to the questioner privately, I am posting my answer here publicly in case it will be of help to others as well. Question: Dear Natalie, Thank you so much for... read more
Jan 15th 12
Fasting Day 9: Brokenness, Part 2
In yesterday’s post, I said that fasting leads to brokenness. When we fast, our appetites aren’t satisfied. Our desires are left unfulfilled – broken. In other words, there is a natural element of “brokenness.” However, if we don’t combine fasting with prayer, we are merely on a diet! The brokenness is contained to the temporal, horizontal plane. It is kept from our... read more
Jan 14th 12
Fasting Day 8: Brokenness, Part 1
In yesterday’s post, missionary and guest author Hannah Dillon described the containers Ghanians use to store their treasures. Since the clay jars they use are too narrow at the top for a hand to reach down inside, the jar must be broken in order to retrieve the treasured possession. The Bible speaks of you and me as earthen vessels, jars of clay, who contain the treasure of Jesus Christ. When we... read more
Jan 13th 12
Treasure in a Clay Jar
verticle space From Natalie: This is a guest post by Hannah Dillon. Hannah wrote this article when she was a missionary in Ghana with Every Child Ministries. You can follow her on Facebook. verticle space I’ve learned that if Ghanaians have something of value or something that is really important to them, they hide it in a place that a thief would never think of looking. They do not hide their valued... read more
Jan 12th 12
Fasting Day 6: Following in the Footsteps of our Heroes
As you fast and pray, you are walking in the footsteps of our Biblical heroes of the faith. All of the greats of the Bible fasted! They committed themselves to a higher standard of discipline in order to be used of God to fulfill His purposes on the earth. Examples of Individuals Fasting Jesus (Matt. 4:1,2; Luke 4:1,2) Moses (Exod. 34:28; Deut. 9:9, 18) Elijah (1 Kings 19:8) Samuel (I Sam. 7:6) David... read more
Jan 11th 12
Fasting Day 5: Renewal in the Desert
Sometimes our relationship with God seems distant. We feel empty, like we’re in a spiritual desert. Have you been dry spiritually? Do you feel like you’re in a desert season – with no fire, no passion, no love of God’s word, no longing for prayer? When you’re in a dry spiritual season, one of the greatest things you can do is fast. Consider three scriptural instances of... read more