Currently Browsing: Christian Living
Jan 10th 12
Called to Be Holy: Loving God More Than Anything In the World
This is a guest post by Angela Morgan. Please see below for more about Angela. Have we become so desensitized by this world that the Word of God has of no effect on us anymore? How can it? We have no room in our lives for His Word. We read it … but it doesn’t stick. How can you fill a container that’s already full of something else? How do we expect to ever let the Word of God fill our... read more
Jan 9th 12
Fasting Day 3: The Purpose of Fasting
According to Isaiah 58:4, the purpose of fasting is “to make your voice heard on high.” When we fast with the right motives, our voice is heard in heaven. In other words, we come into God’s presence in a powerful way. Making My Voice Heard on High We spend so much our time with God on the run – hastily reading a Bible verse or devotional and throwing out a few prayer requests before moving on the... read more
Jan 8th 12
Fasting Day 2: The Principle of Fasting
What is fasting? Is it really worth the sacrifice? Let’s break it down and see why the reward outweighs the investment. Fasting Defined: Fasting is setting aside some form of physical gratification, for a period of time, in order to achieve a greater spiritual goal. When we fast, the idea is to invest in prayer the time we would have invested satisfying our appetites. Fasting usually involves doing... read more
Jan 7th 12
Fasting Day 1: A Moment of Worship
Friday afternoon, I went for a walk to pray for Pursuit 21 and everyone participating. As one particular song began playing on my iPod, God gave me perspective: HIMSELF! Heaven and earth seemed to become one as I became captivated by the strength, and power, and wisdom, and beauty, and might of the Lord God Almighty! I didn’t care what passersby thought – I couldn’t help but raise my hands in... read more
Jan 6th 12
Welcome to Pursuit 21!
Welcome to Pursuit 21! I’m excited that you have decided to take the next step in your spiritual walk through the life-changing principal of fasting! Fasting is a principle that God intended for everyone to be able to enjoy. It’s not a punishment; it’s a privilege! By making fasting a way of life, you will get closer to God and grow in your spiritual walk like never... read more
Jan 1st 12
Are You Ready to Begin Your Fast?
You’ve made your commitment to fast. Now what? In a previous post, I detailed six vital steps to take before you begin your fast. They are: Approach Your Fast with a Positive Attitude of Faith Determine Your Motives Determine Your Objective Make Your Commitment Find a Fasting Partner, if Possible Determine to Minister to God I’ll not re-examine these steps here. (You may refer to “How... read more
Dec 21st 11
Fixing Our Eyes on Jesus
As we celebrate Jesus’ birth, I’m overwhelmed by the thought that He willfully turned away from ecstasy in order to take on flesh. … That He walked away from ultimate happiness that we might share in His holiness. The Bible describes God as “the blessed God” (1 Timothy 1:11). One translation says God is “the blissful God.” The word “blessed” here... read more
Dec 14th 11
Top Ten Fasting Posts of 2011
As we prepare to begin next year with prayer and fasting, it might inspire us to read the fasting content that most inspired people during the past year. The ten fasting posts most visited this year are: The Ezra Fast Breaking Bondage: The Disciples’ Fast Breaking Negative Emotional Habits Targeting Decisions: The St. Paul Fast Where is the Glory Health and Healing: The Daniel Fast Call for the... read more
Dec 11th 11
Setting the Course for 2012
Do you have deep longings for 2012 — things you want God to do in your life, a loved one’s life…on your job or in your ministry? Would you like to live in the center of God’s will with a greater hunger for Him? There is something you can do next month that will set the course for what God does in your life throughout 2012 — something that will bring you closer to God and release His... read more
Dec 8th 11
Finding a Quiet Hour to Connect With Heaven
If you were totally honest about your prayer life, would you say that it is difficult for you to spend much time alone with God but you pray continually throughout the day? This is probably true of most believers. But is one form of prayer better than the other? Can we walk in all that God intends for us if we neglect one form or the other? I recently watched a question and answer panel about the life of... read more