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Jan 31st 11
Fasting Day 18: Returning in Power, Part 1
As we prepare to conclude our fast, it is vital that we know what we can claim and expect God to have done through our fasting and prayer. Faith must accompany our fasting if it is to have any effect. Yet we cannot believe, we cannot have faith, if we do not know what God says in His word about fasting and prayer. When fasting, it is vital to know what scriptural precedents apply to your causes for... read more
Jan 30th 11
Fasting Day 10: Twenty-One Reasons to Fast
Throughout Pursuit 21, I have been re-posting daily on Twitter and Facebook links to last year’s fasting blog posts. However, if you do not participate in Twitter or Facebook, you may have missed these valuable posts. They hold a wealth of great truth pertaining to Biblical fasting! Pre-Fast Posts Lord, Teach Us to Fast Giving God the First 21-Day Fasting Posts Fasting Day 1: Seeking... read more
Jan 29th 11
Fasting Day 17: A Day of Prayer for Shades of Grace
During this time of prayer and fasting with Pursuit 21, the Holy Spirit has led me to designate one day as a day of fasting and prayer for Shades of Grace Ministries. If God has ministered to you and deposited spiritual seed in your life through Shades of Grace, I would like to ask you to commit to fast and pray for us for twenty-four hours. You can choose the type of fast (full or partial). Points of... read more
Jan 29th 11
Fasting Day 16: Require and Rejoice!
Fasting is a time to rejoice and to celebrate. Under the Old Covenant, fasting had to do with mourning, seeking God’s intervention in time of crisis or repentance in order to reverse judgment. But under the New Covenant, when we fast, we celebrate God’s goodness and all that He has given us in Jesus Christ – mercy, forgiveness, blessing, favor, peace, provision – in short, the... read more
Jan 28th 11
Fasting Day 15: The Good News
Cornelius was a religious man in the New Testament who fasted and prayed. He was “a devout man and one who feared God with all his household, who gave alms generously to the people, and prayed to God always” (Acts 10:2). In spite of his religious involvement, prayer and seeking, Cornelius was still unaware of a vital element of God’s truth. He had not yet heard the Good News. One day, as Cornelius... read more
Jan 26th 11
Fasting Day 14: Praying for Our Government
Paul, in his first letter to Timothy, taught him the proper administration of the local church. Paul also gave instructions for the church’s ministry of prayer. 1 I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— 2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 3 This is good, and... read more
Jan 26th 11
Fasting Day 13: On Target
Biblical fasting helps center us in God’s will and purpose. Through fasting and prayer, God will center your family, your ministry, your business, your career in His BEST! Once when our house was being cased, and my family was going to be out of town, my Dad wanted to know that I remembered how to handle a pistol, should the need arise. My oldest brother, Ed, took me down into the ravine beside my... read more
Jan 25th 11
Fasting Day 12: Entering God’s Rest
Fasting is resting. Fasting gives our body rest from food and digestion. Our bodies aren’t at their peak when they are involved in digesting food. Our systems were designed to have periodic rest. When we give our body a break from food, it can focus energy on cleanup and removing toxins. As we give our bodies a break from food and detach from our normal routines in order to spend time with God, we... read more
Jan 24th 11
Night of Miracle Prayer
With Natalie Nichols and Zach and Stephanie Richardson Sometimes in life, we face problems so big that we need God’s supernatural help. It may be for an illness in your body; it may be for a domestic problem; it may be for a financial crisis. You may feel like there is no hope for positive change in your life. That’s why we are having an “all are welcome” miracle event on... read more
Jan 23rd 11
Fasting Day 11: Preparing for the Great
Fasting prepares us for the great things God has in store. When the Holy Spirit calls us to fast, He is beginning to prepare us for what is ahead. When we fast at the beginning of the year, it positions us and sets the course for the entire year. Anna the Prophetess After Jesus was born, Joseph and Mary took Him to the temple to present Him to the Lord. At the temple was a woman named Anna. 36 Anna, a... read more