Currently Browsing: Christian Living
Jun 3rd 10
The Problem of Pain: Is God a Cosmic Sadist?
Last night I spoke with a woman who is in deep despair. Years of endless suffering, chronic illness and abandonment by her family have left her completely disillusioned. “God could change all of this,” she said. “Why doesn’t He? I don’t understand…” If we are completely honest, we might admit there is a circumstance in our lives causing us to ask the same question. It may be a minor... read more
May 20th 10
Concert of Prayer Weekly Prayer Tip: Take Time
Beloved, when was the last time you spent thirty minutes in prayer? When was the last time you spent thirty minutes watching TV? The place and priority of prayer in our lives is quickly established. I pray continually throughout the day, as I’m sure you do as well, but this is no excuse for not setting apart time just for prayer. God will not do for us what He would not do for Jesus –... read more
May 12th 10
Pure Joy: Three Reasons to Rest and Rejoice in Affliction
Are you facing heartbreaking, hopeless circumstances? Have you been perpetually stuck in a season of suffering and a pit of despair? You can experience God’s PURE JOY! “Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because the testing of your faith develops perseverance.” James 1:2-3 God’s Word says it clearly … we can consider our affliction and trials pure... read more
May 6th 10
National Day of Prayer: Why Pray?
Today is the National Day of Prayer, an event established by an act of Congress that encourages Americans to pray for our nation, its people and its leaders. As you may know, this is our focus each Thursday in the Concert of Prayer. I am passionate about our nation, its history and founding. The fact that we have departed from the principles on which we were founded – the principles by which God’s... read more
Apr 29th 10
Renew Your Passion to Pray for the Lost: 5 Thoughts from George Mueller
George Mueller Are you praying for loved ones to come to know Jesus Christ? Is your diligence in prayer growing weak? As we continue praying in concert today, I feel that someone is in need of encouragement in their prayer for the salvation of loved ones. How Do I Pray for Lost Loved Ones shares a powerful story of encouragement, with specific scriptures to pray and promises to plead when praying for the... read more
Apr 21st 10
Boundless Strength, Eternal Joy
Are you weak and weary? In need of strength? Do you feel sad and hopeless? Are you facing an obstacle that no human maneuvering can overcome? What you need is boundless strength and eternal joy. They are found in one place… For the past four years, I have experienced an annual health collapse that lasts between one and six months of the year. “A collapse,” you might say, “I thought your... read more
Apr 8th 10
National Revival in America: It Comes Down to You and Me
Praying for spiritual awakening in America is a broad, sweeping prayer. Ultimately, the awakening we desire on a national level must first be experienced in our lives on a personal level. Corporate revival comes down to individual revival, to our spiritual walk – our personal repentance, submission, holiness and filling with the Holy Spirit’s power. It is not only hypocritical; it is counter... read more
Apr 3rd 10
The Resurrected Life
During this Easter season, I’m reminded of the cross of Jesus Christ, the suffering that Jesus endured, and how He took the punishment for our sins — yours and mine. Like you, I can never fully express my gratitude for the price Jesus paid for me to receive eternal life and live in a relationship with Him. Not only did His crucifixion make a way for me to live in a close relationship with Him... read more
Mar 21st 10
A Conscious Decision
I’ve made a conscious decision. In response to the leading of the Holy Spirit, I am going to be more open about my ongoing, residual health challenges. I will deliberately post about them and make my life a little more of an open book. For several reasons, I have been rather silent on this topic in recent years: When summarizing my 20+ year story in a thirty minute session, it is quicker to... read more
Feb 4th 10
Night of Miracle Prayer
February 4, 2010 Sometimes in life, we face problems so big that we need God’s supernatural help. It may be for an illness in your body; it may be for a domestic problem; it may be for a financial crisis. You may feel like there is no hope for positive change in your life. That’s why we are having an “all are welcome” miracle event on February 4th at 7:00 p.m. On January 14th 2010,... read more