Currently Browsing: Christian Living
Feb 4th 10
Kings and Priests: Praying with Authority
God has given us—His disciples, His people—authority by which we determine the destinies of people, of nations and governments. He expects us to use this authority for His glory and our good. If we fail to do so, we will have to answer for the consequences. Our Citizenship Every Christian has dual citizenship. We are a citizen of an earthly nation, subject to its laws and requirements. By spiritual... read more
Feb 3rd 10
Fasting Day 20: Three Promised Results
Do you desire a fresh touch from God? Do you want your children to be anointed men and women of God? Are you suffering financially? The book of Joel holds three key insights for you. Fasting Breaks Poverty In the book of Joel, the people experienced a famine caused by an invasion of locusts. Their fields were ruined and the ground was dried up. Poverty ran so deep that not only did they lose their current... read more
Feb 2nd 10
Fasting Day 19: Breaking Bondage (The Disciple’s Fast)
Are there secret sins from which you cannot get free, no matter how hard you try or how many times you confess? God desires to set you free. He has established a path to freedom for you — a path of fasting. “Is not this the fast I have chosen? To loose the bands of wickedness.” Isaiah 58:6 The Disciple’s Fast is a fast to break bondage and besetting sin. Many Christians fall prey to... read more
Feb 1st 10
Fasting Day 18: Health and Healing, The Daniel Fast
Do you want to live healthier and make healthy choices in your eating? Do you need healing for a specific condition? “Is this not the fast that I have chosen…[that] your healing shall spring forth speedily” (Isa. 58:6,8). Many people who joined Pursuit 21 listed breaking unhealthy eating habits as one of their reasons for fasting. Do you want to take care of your body, the temple of the Holy Spirit,... read more
Jan 31st 10
Fasting Day 17: Breaking Negative Emotional Habits
Do you have a habit of being negative – a habit of seeing the glass half empty? Are you plagued by frequent despair and despondency? Are you so focused on yourself and your problems that you can’t see what God is doing in and around you? Don’t feel condemned; you are joined by one of the greatest prophets in the old testament – Elijah. Just as God used fasting to break... read more
Jan 30th 10
Fasting Day 16: Targeting Decisions (The Saint Paul Fast)
Are you facing decisions this month, this year – things for which you need wisdom and direction? Life presents major decisions that are crucial to our future. Decisions can impact our destinies. We mull over them for weeks, months even, without making a determination one way or the other, scared of the consequences in either direction. God promises that when we enter the chosen fast, He will cause... read more
Jan 29th 10
Fasting Day 15: Lives of Influence
Do you want to be a faithful witness? Do you want the light of Christ within you to affect those around you? Do you want to be a greater influence for Christ on your job, in your family, your church, your community? Christians are commanded to be a witness and testimony to others: “You are the light of the world (Matt. 5:14). Christians have two obligations: to live godly lives and to extend our... read more
Jan 28th 10
Fasting Day 14: Fasting Affects a Nation
Fasting is a discipline that offers countless personal benefits. For most of us, our motivations in fasting are personal. But the promises of fasting can also impact your community and your nation. In the Bible there are two cases where fasting literally changed a nation and changed history! Nineveh Finds Mercy According to the Bible, the city of Nineveh was in trouble. It was full of wickedness and... read more
Jan 27th 10
Fasting Day 13: The Ezra Fast
Are you dealing with a money problem? Are you facing a financial dilemma? Are you going through a major change in life? Are you experiencing a problem you did nothing to initiate? Do you need room for expansion of your business or your church? As you are fasting and targeting this issue, look to Ezra and the fast he called when leading the Jewish exiles back to Jerusalem. Look to Ezra and His Fast When... read more
Jan 26th 10
Fasting Day 12: The Reward of Waiting
Fasting is waiting upon God. God promises blessing to those who wait on Him. By waiting upon God through fasting and prayer, you will receive: 1. Renewed Strength. Are you tired and weary? Have you been exhausted of all endurance? “30Even the youths shall faint and be weary, And the young men shall utterly fall, 31But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with... read more