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Fasting Day 2: Except…

In Matthew 17, a loving dad approaches Jesus bringing his son who suffered from seizures. The seizures would frequently cause him to fall into the fire or water. This father had brought his son to the disciples, but they could not heal him (even though Jesus had previously given them the power to cast out demons.) Jesus rebuked the demon; it came out of the boy and he was healed from that moment. The... read more

Fasting Day 1: Seeking First

Today is the first day of Pursuit 21 — twenty-one days of fasting and prayer. Last night we officially launched Pursuit21 at our monthly women’s event called Passionate Pursuit. I was surprised by the number of women who came hungry to know more about fasting. In the moments before the event began, someone asked me, “What is the reason for fasting? What does it accomplish... read more

An Invitation to Pursuit 21

Dear Friend, Can you believe that another year is already here? Perhaps you have deep longings for the coming year—things you want God to do in your life, a loved one’s life…or your business or ministry. There is something you can do in this first month of the year that will set the course for what God does in your life all year long– something that will bring you closer to God and... read more

5 Steps to Overcome Discouragement This Year

God began my first day of the year in an unusual but significant way. For a couple of weeks I’ve needed to pull journals from a decade ago in order to locate the date of a particular event. I woke in the middle of the night last night and couldn’t go back to sleep, so I thought I’d finally get the task over with and dig out my old journals. My life is apparently pretty boring because I soon fell... read more

Giving God the First

Several years ago I began giving God the first twenty-one days of the year through prayer and fasting. Scripture exhorts us in Matthew 6:33 to seek first His kingdom and His righteousness…and then everything else will be given to us. Perhaps you have goals, desires, dreams and resolutions for the New Year.  Maybe you have already begun submitting your requests to God for the things you’d like to see... read more

Lord, Teach Us to Fast

Today, as I pray and prepare for January’s upcoming fast, I am posting a portion of a previous blog pertaining to fasting: In Matthew chapter six, as Jesus is teaching the disciples about the kingdom of Heaven — its laws and conduct — He mentions the word “when” three very significant times. Not If, But When 1.       ” When you give…” (v. 2). 2.       “When you pray…” (v.... read more

Prayer for Revival Cannot Be Answered Until…

“The question arose whether this was not the real reason why our prayers for the powerful operation of the Holy Spirit could not be answered…” I have been deeply blessed by reading Andrew Murray on Prayer, a resource containing six books Murray wrote on the subject. The Holy Spirit has spoken to me through this book in countless ways—one of which occurred last Saturday as I was praying about... read more

Hardship: God’s Training Ground – Scott Brodie Inspires

Thursday night I had a brief shoot for a Shades of Grace media project that will be released this Spring.  I traveled from east Texas (tweeting along the way) to the DFW area because Remnant Media in Rockwall is helping produce the project.  Although I woke very sick that day, it was nothing compared to what Scott Brodie forges through every day by Christ’s strength…and Scott is the subject of the... read more

A Reason to Give Thanks, Even in Hard Times

This Thanksgiving Day, amid financial hardships, tragedies, and crises so prevalent in our nation and around the world, we tend to be preoccupied by all of the negative and challenging circumstances of our lives. As this thought crossed my mind today, the Holy Spirit brought a simple verse to mind: “Be at rest once more, O my soul, for the LORD has been good to you” (Psalm 116:7). No doubt you... read more

How Do I Pray for Lost Loved Ones?

In today’s concert of prayer, the Holy Spirit is leading me to pray for those who do not know Jesus Christ. For a moving, real-life illustration of the need for your prayer and witness, see My surprise Visitor — I believe this post will motivate you in your prayer for the lost. One of the most helpful, encouraging personal accounts of prayer for lost souls is found in The 2959 Plan by Peter Lord.... read more