Currently Browsing: Health
Apr 28th 13
Depression (6): Six Things the Church Should NOT Do
The previous post listed nine things the church can do for those who are affected by mental illness. This is the second part of that post Six things the church should not do for those affected by mental illness are: 1. Pretend that because mental illness is virtually invisible, it does not exist. 2. Expect the person with mental illness to “snap out of it.” Can someone with a broken bone... read more
Apr 26th 13
Depression (5): Nine Things the Church Can Do for Those Affected by Mental Illness
A recent study by Baylor University showed “that mental illness is not only prevalent in church communities, but is accompanied by significant distress that often goes unnoticed.” The study found mental illness present in 27% of families, with those families reporting twice as many stressors on average–stressors such as financial strain and problems balancing work and family.... read more
Apr 24th 13
Depression (4): A Few Scriptures to Pray
As I mentioned in the first post of this series, I wholeheartedly support treating clinical depression with medication. Yet I also know that life is plagued with constant imperfections that can rob us of our joy. We can have the most healthy brain chemistry in the world and still be joyless and hopeless apart from Christ. Therefore, the life of Jesus and God’s Word should be a vital part of any... read more
Apr 21st 13
Depression (3): There is Hope and Joy in God
Scripture says “we have the mind of Christ” (1 Corinthians 2:16). When my Lyme encephalitis symptoms were severe, my mind was desperately dysfunctional. When you’re confined and unable to do things, your mind is what you use to cope—to occupy yourself and pass time. This is how I got through the first two years of confinement (after anti-depressant medication lifted the dark cloud of clinical... read more
Apr 19th 13
Depression (2): My Own Struggle—If It Had Not Been…
I’ve experienced clinical depression caused from both internal and external influences. During the first months of my disability, I became depressed by the sudden losses and changes in my life. Not doing anything…lying around sick all the time — it was a dramatic about face from college life at Baylor. During the week I had been busy on campus; on the weekends I ministered in churches and traveled... read more