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Last Chance for 2022

There are only two days to donate to Shades of Grace Ministries and receive a 2022 tax deduction. Our mission at Shades of Grace is to share God’s comfort for life’s trials with hurting people. We are a faith-based organization supported by friends like you who want to give people hope in the midst of their suffering. We’re grateful for those who support this work through generous gifts, both large... read more

Thank You for a Great Year!

Thank you for a great year! Because of your faithful support and prayers, God has done amazing things! Thank You for Praying for My Health First, I want to thank you for praying for me during the past two years of Long Covid and reactivated Lyme Disease. In September of this year, I finally began improving. I am not back 100%, but the trajectory at least changed a few months ago. In November and December,... read more

Let’s Throw the Lid off My Birthday!

  I’m going to turn 52 this week. (It doesn’t seem possible! Where did the time go?) From the start of the pandemic to now, I feel and look like I’ve aged far beyond the three intervening years. Long Covid, reactivated Lyme, and the consequences of years of caregiving have taken a toll on my body… and my face. When I look in the mirror, I do not recognize the woman looking back. Although... read more

Giving Tuesday: Give God’s Comfort to Hurting People Today!

Here at Shades of Grace Ministries, our mission is to share God’s comfort for life’s trials. This mission is the passion of my heart. Through years of immeasurable suffering, God’s Word sustained me. His grace carried me through. Hurting people all around us are in desperate need of God’s comfort. That’s why I’m letting you know about Giving Tuesday — a global day of giving... read more

Coming Soon … Stay Tuned!

Stay tuned! Something exciting is coming to Shades of Grace! God is leading us to a new means of reaching women. It will provide teaching, worship, and prayer to women around the world, yet also incorporate small group portions where women can encourage, pray for and support each other. I am working diligently behind the scenes to get everything ready in order to launch after the first of the year. The... read more

Sharing God’s Touch With Others

Were you blessed by the content published during Pursuit 21? Were you inspired to pray and pursue God? Motivated to prioritize God’s word? Taught how to wage war with God’s personal promises? Did you notice a change for the better during Pursuit 21? Perhaps you were disciplined in setting apart time for prayer compared to prior to the fast. Or maybe you heard God’s voice more clearly.... read more

An Incredible Story of Triumph Through Tragedy!

Don’t miss this incredible story of triumph through tragedy! One year ago on December 2, 2011, I received the following prayer request from Tami.* I’m a concert violinist and music professor. The last three weeks have been tremendously difficult. My aunt was killed in a car accident on Thanksgiving Day, my mother-in-law went into the hospital and doctors have had difficulty diagnosing her... read more

Newsletter: Our Hope in Desperate Times | Thank You For Helping the Hurting

I believe you agree with me: hurting people around the world are in desperate need of God’s grace and comfort. From the financial crisis to the multitude of recent natural disasters, trials and hardships are everywhere. No one has escaped unscathed. Trouble and suffering have spilled over into each of our lives. Despite all the distress, Jesus promised us hope: “In this world you will have... read more

Glancing Back and Gearing Up for What Is Ahead!

I am so excited!  The New Year is here – and we have so much to do to get ready for what I know will be our greatest year of ministry. Looking back over 2010, I am so thankful for all that God accomplished through Shades of Grace. We’ve seen countless lives transformed from the inside-out, thanks to God’s love and grace. Pursuit 21 In January 2010, we launched the first annual Pursuit 21 –... read more

Thank You for Sharing God’s Comfort

Dear Friend, Merry Christmas and a Christ-filled New Year to you! As we celebrate the gift of our Savior, I would like to personally thank you for your faithful prayers and generous support this year. Through your prayers and support, you have taken the light of Jesus Christ to hurting people in desperate need of His love. You have impacted their eternal destiny and inspired them to a deeper, more... read more