Shades of Grace | Natalie Nichols- God's Comfort for Life's Trials

Fasting Day 2: Set Your Mind (Part Two)

Here at the beginning of Pursuit 21, it’s important that you set your mind regarding a few key aspects of your fast. Your mind is the battlefield on which the fight of this fast is won or lost. So...
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Fasting Day 1: Set Your Mind (Part One)

As you begin Pursuit 21, it’s important that you set your mind regarding a few key aspects of your fast. Your mind is the battlefield on which the fight of this fast is won or lost. So it’s...
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Seeking God First and Setting Your Course

As the new year begins, no doubt you have many goals and priorities for the days ahead. Is seeking God your first priority? Is it your most important goal? Are you planning toward it, setting aside a...
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A Promise for the Hard Pathways of the New Year

“You crown the year with a bountiful harvest; even the hard pathways overflow with abundance.” Psalm 65:11 Are you in the midst of an overwhelming trial? Do you see no reason to hope? Let this...
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13 Videos to Fix Your Eyes on Jesus and Fill Your Heart with Worship

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From the Cross to the Resurrection: Insight and Inspiration

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When You Give (7): Three Characteristics of an Extravagant Giver

Are you an extravagant giver? You might not think so … until you see these three characteristics of an extravagant giver. We tend to think of extravagant giving as giving a large amount. While this...
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Praying for the Peace of Jerusalem

This year, Purim falls on March 4th-5th. It is a day of celebration commemorating Queen Esther’s faith and courage and the deliverance of the Jewish people. What a perfect time for us to be mindful of...
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When You Give (6): “Am I Generous?”

Would you describe yourself as generous? God is an extravagant giver. He always rewards generosity when we give with the right heart. And He rewards us in every area of our lives! The video below is...
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