Shades of Grace | Natalie Nichols- God's Comfort for Life's Trials

The Response: Event Info

On August 6, the nation will come together at Reliant Stadium in Houston, Texas for a solemn gathering of prayer and fasting for our country. America is in crisis seemingly on every front…and...
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Gov. Rick Perry and The Response: The Merits, Precedents and Arguments Against

Gov. Rick Perry initiated a day of prayer and fasting called The Response: a call to prayer for a nation in crisis. It will take place this Saturday at Reliant Stadium in Houston. We here at Shades of...
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Your Faith: The Enemy’s #1 Target

It is vital that we live by faith. The enemy of your soul knows this and daily pulls out all the stops to attempt to keep you from living by faith. The following are ten reasons why your faith is...
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The Ultimate Test of Faith: David Wilkerson Sermon

God lovingly allows us to go through tests in life in order to build our faith – to test and prove us to see what is in our heart.  We tend to crack under the pressure and respond in unbelief. We look...
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Shout: Audio Message

When you began your year with a fast, you probably had many heavy burdens on your heart – things you want to see God do this year. Perhaps they seem otherwise impossible apart from fasting and...
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Fasting Day 21: Shout!

When God told Joshua to march around Jericho, scripture says Jericho was a “tightly shut up” city. “Then the LORD said to Joshua, ‘See, I have delivered Jericho into your hands,...
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Fasting Day 21: Returning in Power, Part 6

Do you desire to establish a godly heritage for your family? Do you have family relationships that need to be restored? Are you praying for a lost loved one?  Isaiah 58:12 contains powerful promises for...
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Returning in Power: Audio Message

Most of the results that Jesus experienced from His fast came after the fast. A significant change occurred at the end of Jesus’ fast. 1 Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, left the Jordan and was led...
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Fasting Day 20: Returning in Power, Part 5

Are you in a crisis, in need of God’s help? Do you need supernatural intervention on your job or in your business? Are you in a financial crisis? Do you need poverty to be broken in your life?...
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